Object: New Horizons (open sky map)
Sun Dist: 8951868765.2827 km [ km/s]
Earth Dist: 8881157093.7428 km [ km/s] |
This page shows New Horizons location and other relevant astronomical data in real time. The celestial coordinates, magnitude, distances and speed are updated in real time and are computed using high quality data sets provided by the JPL Horizons ephemeris service (see acknowledgements for details). The sky map shown in the background represents a rectangular portion of the sky 60x40 arcminutes wide. By comparison the diameter of the full Moon is about 30 arcmins, so the full horizontal extent of the map is approximately 2 full Moons wide. Depending on the device you are using, the map can be dragged horizondally or vertically using the mouse or touchscreen. The deep sky image in the background is provided by the Digitized Sky Survey (acknowledgements).
List of bright objects (stars brighter than magnitude 9.0 and galaxies brighter than magmitude 14.0) close to New Horizons (less than 1.5 degrees):
Type | Name | Magnitude | Ar | Dec |
Star | HIP 94320 | 8.2732 | 19h 11m 52s | -20° 22’ 51” |
Star | HIP 94948 | 8.2282 | 19h 19m 16s | -20° 53’ 30” |
Star | HIP 94309 | 8.0808 | 19h 11m 45s | -19° 11’ 21” |
Star | HIP 94372 | 6.2824 | 19h 12m 28s | -21° 39’ 29” |
Star | HIP 94738 | 7.7738 | 19h 16m 41s | -19° 18’ 27” |
Star | HIP 94394 | 8.1192 | 19h 12m 44s | -19° 14’ 06” |
Star | HIP 94026 | 7.9608 | 19h 08m 33s | -20° 59’ 29” |
Star | HIP 94141 | 2.868 | 19h 09m 45s | -21° 01’ 24” |
Star | HIP 94429 | 7.8172 | 19h 13m 09s | -20° 25’ 18” |
Star | HIP 94127 | 7.8912 | 19h 09m 39s | -20° 02’ 27” |
Star | HIP 94765 | 8.0432 | 19h 16m 57s | -21° 29’ 46” |
Star | HIP 94637 | 7.6396 | 19h 15m 26s | -19° 47’ 12” |
Star | HIP 94274 | 7.729 | 19h 11m 19s | -20° 20’ 50” |
Star | HIP 94144 | 5.9952 | 19h 09m 48s | -19° 48’ 12” |
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