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Position of Saturn's Rings and Moons

Using this application it is possible to compute and visualize the inclination of rings of Saturn and the position of its major moons - Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus - as they would appear right now or at any given time in the past and in the future.

Time:  Europe/London
Keep Saturn at the Center
Include Hyperion and Iapetus
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Direct view is presenting the image as it would be seen through a binocular or any other erect-image system. Inverted view is typically provided by a Newtonian reflector telescope. Mirrored view is presenting the image as it would be seen through a Schmidt–Cassegrain/Maksutov/Refractor telescope with a diagonal adapter.


The algorithms to compute the inclination of the rings and the positions of the moons of Saturn used in this application are based on the astronomia Javascript libraty which, in turn, is based on algorithms published by Jean Meeus on his Astronomical Algorithms book. The image of the disc of Saturn is derived by an original image credited to NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.