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public  Greenwich, UK Greenwich, UK  ⓘ
Sunrise: 7:08 
Transit: 12:13 
Sunset: 17:20
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Tonight Timeline

This observing guide helps you plan your Solar System observations. It's divided into three sections, detailing visible objects for post-sunset, nighttime and pre-sunrise viewing. Only objects reaching at least 15° altitude and set/rise at least 15 minutes after/before the Sun are listed.

Max magnitude:

Naked Eye Binocular Small Telescope Large Telescope Professional Telescope

Sunset: 17:20

Objects Visible After Sunset

Object Visibility Set Mag Constellation Map
Comet 81P/Wild Professional Telescope 17:40
0h 19m after sunset
22.28 Aquarius map
Asteroid 2007 OR10 Professional Telescope 17:40
0h 20m after sunset
21.41 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 EA6 Professional Telescope 17:41
0h 20m after sunset
29.47 Aquarius map
Comet Encke (2P/Encke) Professional Telescope 17:41
0h 21m after sunset
21.69 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 KQ4 Professional Telescope 17:42
0h 22m after sunset
29.05 Aquarius map
Asteroid 99942 Apophis Professional Telescope 17:45
0h 25m after sunset
20.07 Aquarius map
Asteroid 99942 Apophis Professional Telescope 17:45
0h 25m after sunset
20.07 Aquarius map
Comet C/2023 C2 (ATLAS) Large Telescope 17:45
0h 25m after sunset
15.60 Pegasus map
Comet C/2021 X1 (Maury-Attard) Professional Telescope 17:50
0h 30m after sunset
19.37 Delphinus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 BP4 Professional Telescope 17:54
0h 34m after sunset
29.28 Aquarius map
Mercury Naked Eye 17:55
0h 35m after sunset
-1.38 Aquarius map
Comet 77P/Longmore Professional Telescope 18:01
0h 41m after sunset
21.77 Aquarius map
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner Large Telescope 18:03
0h 43m after sunset
15.19 Aquarius map
Asteroid 2009 JF1 Professional Telescope 18:19
0h 59m after sunset
28.35 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2017 TB Professional Telescope 18:20
1h 00m after sunset
31.47 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2008 DB Professional Telescope 18:20
1h 00m after sunset
27.65 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 JZ5 Professional Telescope 18:23
1h 03m after sunset
29.64 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 QB6 Professional Telescope 18:27
1h 07m after sunset
27.42 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2018 DU Professional Telescope 18:27
1h 07m after sunset
31.40 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 292220 Professional Telescope 18:28
1h 08m after sunset
23.32 Aquarius map
Comet 249P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 18:31
1h 11m after sunset
18.43 Aquarius map
Comet 37P/Forbes Professional Telescope 18:43
1h 23m after sunset
18.61 Pisces map
Comet 164P/Christensen Large Telescope 18:47
1h 27m after sunset
17.88 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 XF Professional Telescope 18:54
1h 34m after sunset
28.88 Aquarius map
Saturn Naked Eye 18:57
1h 37m after sunset
1.12 Aquarius map
Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro Professional Telescope 19:10
1h 50m after sunset
21.31 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2003 LN6 Professional Telescope 19:11
1h 50m after sunset
26.21 Aquarius map
Comet 116P/Wild Professional Telescope 19:12
1h 52m after sunset
22.82 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2017 GK6 Professional Telescope 19:14
1h 54m after sunset
29.84 Aquarius map
Asteroid 1998 OR2 Professional Telescope 19:14
1h 54m after sunset
22.33 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2010 VQ Professional Telescope 19:14
1h 54m after sunset
30.06 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2010 VQ Professional Telescope 19:14
1h 54m after sunset
30.06 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 MH4 Professional Telescope 19:16
1h 56m after sunset
27.45 Pisces map
Asteroid 16 Psyche Small Telescope 19:22
2h 02m after sunset
11.40 Aquarius map
Comet 125P/Spacewatch Professional Telescope 19:22
2h 02m after sunset
23.95 Aquarius map
Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami Professional Telescope 19:22
2h 02m after sunset
29.60 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 MK1 Professional Telescope 19:31
2h 10m after sunset
27.03 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 EF1 Professional Telescope 19:31
2h 11m after sunset
32.07 Pisces map
Comet 289P/Blanpain Professional Telescope 19:32
2h 12m after sunset
23.94 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2011 AH5 Professional Telescope 19:38
2h 18m after sunset
29.32 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 QX4 Professional Telescope 19:41
2h 21m after sunset
25.73 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 PX Professional Telescope 19:42
2h 21m after sunset
27.28 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 KU Professional Telescope 19:44
2h 24m after sunset
24.03 Pisces map
Comet 24P/Schaumasse Professional Telescope 19:49
2h 29m after sunset
23.86 Cetus map
Neptune Binocular 19:50
2h 30m after sunset
7.82 Pisces map
Comet C/2023 R1 (PANSTARRS) Large Telescope 19:57
2h 36m after sunset
17.53 Pegasus map
Comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup Professional Telescope 20:04
2h 44m after sunset
23.00 Pisces map
Comet C/2022 N2 (PANSTARRS) Large Telescope 20:10
2h 50m after sunset
15.75 Pisces map
Comet 199P/Shoemaker Professional Telescope 20:11
2h 51m after sunset
21.65 Cetus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 AH3 Professional Telescope 20:11
2h 51m after sunset
32.50 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 XE Professional Telescope 20:14
2h 54m after sunset
31.45 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 JH1 Professional Telescope 20:17
2h 57m after sunset
30.29 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 BE5 Professional Telescope 20:24
3h 04m after sunset
26.41 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 BE5 Professional Telescope 20:24
3h 04m after sunset
26.41 Pisces map
Comet 252P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 20:34
3h 14m after sunset
31.05 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 RS5 Professional Telescope 20:34
3h 14m after sunset
31.35 Pisces map
Comet C/2024 J2 (Wierzchos) Large Telescope 20:35
3h 15m after sunset
14.02 Pegasus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 DR Professional Telescope 20:43
3h 22m after sunset
29.73 Cetus map
Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak Professional Telescope 20:43
3h 23m after sunset
23.89 Cetus map
Comet P/2023 M4 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 20:44
3h 24m after sunset
18.41 Pisces map


Objects Visible During the Night

Object Visibility Rise Set Mag Constellation Map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 UX1 Professional Telescope 08:22 20:51 31.69 Pisces map
Asteroid 7 Iris Small Telescope 07:59 20:55 9.96 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2016 VY1 Professional Telescope 08:22 20:59 27.27 Pisces map
Venus Naked Eye 07:50 21:06 -4.87 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 TG4 Professional Telescope 08:40 21:15 25.02 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2012 XE133 Professional Telescope 08:04 21:15 25.69 Pisces map
Comet C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 12:25 21:16 26.34 Eridanus map
Comet 333P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 04:19 21:19 18.11 Pegasus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 EF1 Professional Telescope 07:57 21:19 29.61 Pisces map
Comet 123P/West-Hartley Professional Telescope 09:03 21:19 22.79 Cetus map
Asteroid 2015 RR245 Professional Telescope 08:12 21:20 21.89 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2016 JA6 Professional Telescope 09:34 21:25 28.23 Cetus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2013 GM3 Professional Telescope 08:32 21:27 28.09 Pisces map
Asteroid 2017 XO2 Professional Telescope 09:00 21:30 25.19 Pisces map
Comet 49P/Arend-Rigaux Large Telescope 10:15 21:39 16.82 Cetus map
Asteroid 17 Thetis Large Telescope 09:09 21:40 13.37 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 FA Professional Telescope 08:42 21:44 31.57 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 CM2 Professional Telescope 08:38 21:44 32.11 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 WB5 Professional Telescope 08:25 21:44 28.29 Pisces map
Comet C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) Large Telescope 03:03 21:45 17.1 Pegasus map
136199 Eris Professional Telescope 09:55 21:46 18.68 Cetus map
Asteroid 2015 TG387 (The Goblin) Professional Telescope 07:16 21:50 24.51 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 DK Professional Telescope 08:26 21:52 27.68 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 DK Professional Telescope 08:26 21:52 27.68 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 DZ2 Professional Telescope 08:40 21:53 30.25 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 XF5 Professional Telescope 08:36 21:55 30.14 Pisces map
95P/Chiron (2060 Chiron) Professional Telescope 08:35 21:59 18.66 Pisces map
Asteroid 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) Professional Telescope 05:48 22:10 38.83 Pegasus map
Comet 135P/Shoemaker-Levy Professional Telescope 08:45 22:11 22.13 Pisces map
Comet C/2016 U1 (NEOWISE) Professional Telescope 11:25 22:14 36.43 Cetus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 XX168 Professional Telescope 08:45 22:20 28.22 Pisces map
Asteroid 2020 CD3 (Earth's minimoon) Professional Telescope 08:49 22:20 34.12 Pisces map
Asteroid 87 Sylvia Large Telescope 09:26 22:22 13.26 Pisces map
Asteroid 20 Massalia Small Telescope 08:53 22:31 11.29 Pisces map
Asteroid 3200 Phaethon Large Telescope 08:46 22:31 16.55 Pisces map
Comet 152P/Helin-Lawrence Professional Telescope 09:46 22:32 20.84 Pisces map
Comet C/2020 Y2 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 07:21 22:33 19.86 Pisces map
Asteroid 2014 UZ224 Professional Telescope 12:13 22:35 23.04 Eridanus map
Asteroid 2010 RF12 Professional Telescope 09:00 22:35 30.21 Pisces map
Comet 60P/Tsuchinshan Professional Telescope 08:47 22:57 19.68 Pisces map
Asteroid 2000 SG344 Professional Telescope 09:02 22:59 26.45 Aries map
Comet 242P/Spahr Professional Telescope 13:01 23:00 18.7 Eridanus map
Comet 18D/Perrine-Mrkos (Lost) Large Telescope 09:11 23:01 17.59 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 DG Professional Telescope 08:02 23:01 33.91 Pisces map
Asteroid (NEO) 2000 SL10 Professional Telescope 09:08 23:03 25.89 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 RH16 Professional Telescope 09:27 23:04 29.89 Cetus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 HG Professional Telescope 11:11 23:09 27.11 Cetus map
Asteroid 10 Hygiea Large Telescope 08:44 23:15 12.05 Aries map
Asteroid 1036 Ganymed Large Telescope 11:45 23:22 13.21 Eridanus map
Comet C/2019 F1 (ATLAS-Africano) Professional Telescope 09:03 23:24 20.57 Aries map
Comet P/2019 Y2 (Fuls) Professional Telescope 09:30 23:33 26.89 Aries map
Asteroid 6478 Gault (1988 JC1) Professional Telescope 12:12 23:37 19.78 Eridanus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2014 YN Professional Telescope 09:24 23:37 27.42 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 XM2 Professional Telescope 09:24 23:38 28.86 Aries map
Comet 130P/McNaught-Hughes Professional Telescope 09:29 23:52 20.09 Aries map
Comet 237P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 08:51 23:53 24.38 Aries map
Comet 276P/Vorobjov Professional Telescope 10:17 23:55 19.60 Cetus map
Comet C/2020 R7 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope circumpolar 19.59 Draco map
Comet C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) Large Telescope circumpolar 12.6 Cassiopeia map
Comet C/2024 E1 (Wierzchos) Large Telescope circumpolar 17.29 Hercules map
Comet C/2023 X1 (Leonard) Professional Telescope circumpolar 28.79 Cepheus map
Comet C/2024 C4 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope circumpolar 24.38 Lyra map
Comet 126P/IRAS Professional Telescope circumpolar 22.91 Ursa Major map
Comet C/2023 X2 (Lemmon) Professional Telescope circumpolar 18.75 Perseus map
Comet 146P/Shoemaker-LINEAR Professional Telescope circumpolar 22.36 Auriga map
Comet 66P/du Toit Professional Telescope circumpolar 27.98 Auriga map
Asteroid (NEO) 2025 BL Professional Telescope circumpolar 23.51 Camelopardalis map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 YM Professional Telescope circumpolar 27.37 Lynx map
Comet 226P/Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski Professional Telescope circumpolar 24.33 Ursa Major map
Asteroid 2016 HO3 Professional Telescope circumpolar 22.72 Bootes map
Asteroid 3122 Florence (1981 ET3) Large Telescope circumpolar 16.88 Perseus map
Asteroid (NEO) 137108 Professional Telescope circumpolar 22.45 Andromeda map
Comet C/2024 V1 (Borisov) Professional Telescope circumpolar 18.04 Ursa Major map
Comet 80P/Peters-Hartley Professional Telescope 06:14 00:00 27.23 Pisces map
Asteroid 19 Fortuna Large Telescope 09:30 00:03 12.03 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2016 EP84 Professional Telescope 09:24 00:03 28.87 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 AW Professional Telescope 09:23 00:11 30.07 Aries map
Comet 287P/Christensen Professional Telescope 11:31 00:11 22.14 Taurus map
Comet C/2024 S1 (disintegrated) Professional Telescope 15:39 00:14 20.81 Lepus map
Asteroid 2012 VP113 Professional Telescope 11:26 00:19 23.46 Taurus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 CL2 Professional Telescope 09:35 00:33 26.80 Aries map
Asteroid 2013 RF98 Professional Telescope 10:38 00:36 24.86 Taurus map
Comet 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu Professional Telescope 09:36 00:37 19.10 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 EH1 Professional Telescope 09:31 00:38 34.39 Aries map
Asteroid 90377 Sedna (2003 VB12) Professional Telescope 11:24 00:51 20.85 Taurus map
Comet 219P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 10:18 00:52 20.39 Taurus map
Asteroid 11 Parthenope Small Telescope 10:15 00:53 11.79 Taurus map
Comet 325P/Yang-Gao Professional Telescope 08:46 00:54 30.00 Aries map
Asteroid 2004 VN112 Professional Telescope 10:26 01:03 23.54 Taurus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 UV7 Professional Telescope 10:19 01:03 31.23 Taurus map
Uranus Binocular 09:52 01:08 5.76 Aries map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 CN2 Professional Telescope 08:55 01:18 29.97 Aries map
Comet 134P/Kowal-Vavrova Professional Telescope 10:23 01:21 29.97 Taurus map
Comet 378P/McNaught Professional Telescope 11:11 01:31 20.66 Taurus map
Comet 364P/PANSTARRS Professional Telescope 09:22 01:35 25.74 Aries map
Comet C/1969 Y1 (Bennett) Professional Telescope 07:34 01:35 36.57 Triangulum map
Asteroid 101955 Bennu (1999 RQ36) Professional Telescope 07:56 01:41 21.50 Aries map
Comet 71P/Clark Professional Telescope 09:48 01:42 23.60 Taurus map
Comet C/2023 S2 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 11:43 01:43 26.64 Taurus map
Comet 9P/Tempel Professional Telescope 10:03 01:55 22.44 Taurus map
Comet C/2024 A1 (ATLAS) Large Telescope 15:41 01:58 15.87 Monoceros map
Comet 297P/Beshore Professional Telescope 10:41 01:59 23.14 Taurus map
Comet 297P/Beshore (2008 J2) Professional Telescope 10:41 01:59 23.14 Taurus map
Comet 40P/Vaisala Professional Telescope 11:37 01:59 20.30 Taurus map
Comet 246P/NEAT Professional Telescope 10:18 02:05 20.04 Taurus map
Comet 74P/Smirnova-Chernykh Professional Telescope 09:56 02:06 19.85 Taurus map
Asteroid 65803 Didymos (1996 GT) Professional Telescope 09:47 02:12 20.11 Taurus map
Asteroid 249516 Aretha Professional Telescope 10:54 02:17 21.55 Taurus map
Asteroid 2007 TG422 Professional Telescope 12:20 02:36 22.71 Orion map
Asteroid 2018 VG18 (Farout) Professional Telescope 11:19 02:38 24.96 Taurus map
Jupiter Naked Eye 10:47 02:46 -2.37 Taurus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2016 VO1 Professional Telescope 10:38 02:47 22.93 Taurus map
Asteroid 2015 BN509 Professional Telescope 10:25 02:48 21.36 Taurus map
Comet 213P/Van Ness Professional Telescope 09:03 02:58 30.22 Taurus map
Comet C/2021 K1 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 13:25 03:26 30.45 Orion map
Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann Professional Telescope 10:30 03:31 29.74 Taurus map
Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) Large Telescope 11:24 03:37 17.5 Taurus map
Comet C/2022 U3 (Bok) Large Telescope 15:50 03:39 17.82 Monoceros map
Asteroid 15 Eunomia Small Telescope 10:45 03:45 9.66 Taurus map
Comet 294P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 08:14 03:50 20.89 Perseus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2011 LJ19 Professional Telescope 11:26 03:53 26.39 Taurus map
Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle Professional Telescope 19:34 03:57 36.95 Hydra map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 OB5 Professional Telescope 19:43 04:01 23.02 Hydra map
Comet 22P/Kopff Professional Telescope 12:05 04:01 22.34 Orion map
Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke Professional Telescope 11:31 04:07 22.78 Taurus map
Comet 326P/Hill Professional Telescope 11:52 04:17 21.09 Taurus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 TS238 Professional Telescope 14:14 04:24 24.90 Gemini map
Comet Halley (1P/Halley) Professional Telescope 16:07 04:32 25.54 Hydra map
Asteroid 13 Egeria Small Telescope 07:55 04:37 11.53 Perseus map
Asteroid 79 Eurynome Small Telescope 14:00 04:37 11.32 Gemini map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 LY1 Professional Telescope 11:53 04:41 30.33 Gemini map
Comet P/2017 S5 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 16:47 05:11 24.37 Hydra map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 YR4 Professional Telescope 14:59 05:17 24.44 Cancer map
Asteroid 14 Irene Small Telescope 11:29 05:33 10.55 Auriga map
Comet 57P/duToit-Neujmin-Delporte Professional Telescope 14:52 05:48 30.17 Cancer map
Mars Naked Eye 12:50 05:53 -0.54 Gemini map
Comet P/2021 N2 (Fuls) Professional Telescope 18:46 06:02 19.64 Sextans map
Comet 53P/Van Biesbroeck Professional Telescope 15:17 06:06 22.59 Cancer map
Asteroid (NEO) 153814 Professional Telescope 15:15 06:09 21.85 Cancer map
Comet 68P/Klemola Professional Telescope 17:15 06:26 26.14 Leo map
Comet 44P/Reinmuth Professional Telescope 17:18 06:36 20.97 Leo map
Asteroid (NEO) 2025 AL2 Professional Telescope 15:39 06:42 22.47 Cancer map
Comet P/2021 N1 (ZTF) Professional Telescope 19:37 06:44 34.14 Leo map
Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann Large Telescope 17:10 06:48 11.7 Leo map
Comet 6P/d'Arrest Professional Telescope 16:03 06:48 25.62 Cancer map
Comet 319P/Catalina-McNaught Professional Telescope 14:16 06:51 27.38 Cancer map
Comet 327P/Van Ness Professional Telescope 19:23 06:52 26.29 Leo map
Comet 17P/Holmes Professional Telescope 21:41 06:53 23.02 Corvus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 QP2 Professional Telescope 17:37 06:57 22.56 Leo map
Asteroid 2014 FE72 Professional Telescope 22:23 07:03 24.58 Corvus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 WT Professional Telescope 22:43 07:20 24.36 Corvus map
Comet 193P/LINEAR-NEAT Professional Telescope 19:15 07:32 29.36 Leo map
Asteroid 29 Amphitrite Binocular 16:11 07:32 9.27 Leo map
Comet 28P/Neujmin Professional Telescope 14:14 07:40 22.22 Cancer map
Comet 103P/Hartley Professional Telescope 22:27 07:45 21.62 Virgo map
Comet 51P/Harrington Professional Telescope 16:57 07:55 25.80 Leo map
Comet P/2014 L2 (NEOWISE) Professional Telescope 19:16 08:05 30.90 Leo map
Asteroid (NEO) 2016 JD18 Professional Telescope 16:51 08:11 28.49 Leo map
Comet 154P/Brewington Professional Telescope 13:17 08:12 18.6 Cancer map
Comet 88P/Howell Professional Telescope 18:06 08:13 19.10 Leo map
Comet 284P/McNaught Professional Telescope 18:40 08:16 24.33 Leo map
Comet 61P/Shajn-Schaldach Professional Telescope 20:09 08:17 23.72 Virgo map
Comet 34D/Gale (Lost) Professional Telescope 14:20 08:17 27.84 Cancer map
Comet 185P/Petriew Professional Telescope 22:57 08:19 23.43 Virgo map
Comet 310P/Hill Professional Telescope 15:56 08:30 22.92 Leo map
Asteroid 2013 FT28 Professional Telescope 22:56 08:31 24.55 Virgo map
Asteroid 3552 Don Quixote (1983 SA) Professional Telescope 17:26 08:31 20.47 Leo map
Comet 15P/Finlay Professional Telescope 21:12 08:32 25.09 Virgo map
Asteroid Farfarout (2018 AG37) Professional Telescope 12:38 08:35 25.49 Lynx map
Comet 72P/Denning-Fujikawa Professional Telescope 19:06 08:44 35.06 Virgo map
The Moon
Waning Gibbous
Naked Eye 22:59 08:50 -10.70 Libra map
Asteroid 192 Nausikaa Large Telescope 00:53 08:50 12.91 Libra map
Asteroid 8 Flora Small Telescope 19:30 08:51 9.93 Virgo map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 OC3 Professional Telescope 00:09 09:01 26.31 Libra map
Asteroid 18 Melpomene Small Telescope 20:50 09:05 10.89 Virgo map
Comet 10P/Tempel Professional Telescope 18:37 09:05 19.70 Leo map
Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin Professional Telescope 20:52 09:07 34.44 Virgo map
Asteroid 2002 AJ129 Professional Telescope 19:06 09:11 22.68 Virgo map
Comet 132P/Helin-Roman-Alu Professional Telescope 22:43 09:14 31.17 Virgo map
Asteroid 288P (2006 VW139) Professional Telescope 22:53 09:23 22.24 Virgo map
Asteroid (NEO) 2005 TA Professional Telescope 00:05 09:30 29.11 Libra map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 RO16 Professional Telescope 00:07 09:30 27.10 Libra map
Comet C/2020 F2 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 16:45 09:36 18.63 Leo Minor map
Comet 16P/Brooks Professional Telescope 23:47 09:40 25.59 Libra map
Comet 92P/Sanguin Professional Telescope 22:26 09:44 28.53 Virgo map
Comet P/2022 L3 (ATLAS) Professional Telescope 18:19 09:45 23.65 Leo map
Comet 4P/Faye Professional Telescope 00:08 09:48 22.16 Libra map
Asteroid 349 Dembowska (1892 T) Small Telescope 01:30 09:49 11.58 Libra map
Comet P/2021 V2 (Fuls) Professional Telescope 01:42 09:53 21.06 Libra map
Comet 32P/Comas Sola Professional Telescope 23:18 09:55 18.50 Virgo map
Comet 108P/Ciffreo Professional Telescope 00:55 09:57 29.54 Libra map
Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle Professional Telescope 00:48 10:01 44.60 Libra map
Comet 106P/Schuster Professional Telescope 00:41 10:01 32.59 Libra map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 QP8 Professional Telescope 00:47 10:05 27.68 Libra map
Comet 144P/Kushida Professional Telescope 02:08 10:05 26.42 Scorpius map
Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) Large Telescope 01:06 10:09 14.90 Libra map
Asteroid 9 Metis Small Telescope 00:55 10:15 11.20 Libra map
Comet P/2010 H2 (Vales) Large Telescope 21:38 10:21 13.79 Virgo map
Comet C/2021 T4 (Lemmon) Professional Telescope 17:39 10:23 19.15 Leo map
Comet P/2023 B1 (PANSTARRS) Professional Telescope 22:32 10:24 18.07 Virgo map
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Professional Telescope 02:51 10:25 22.38 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid 4 Vesta Binocular 23:43 10:26 7.12 Libra map
Comet 119P/Parker-Hartley Professional Telescope 00:19 10:26 21.89 Libra map
Asteroid 2010 GB174 Professional Telescope 20:23 10:30 25.62 Virgo map
Comet 30P/Reinmuth Large Telescope 23:42 10:32 17.67 Libra map
Comet 129P/Shoemaker-Levy Professional Telescope 02:04 10:40 20.33 Scorpius map
Comet 46P/Wirtanen Professional Telescope 23:51 10:44 20.98 Libra map
Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Professional Telescope 02:19 10:45 33.80 Scorpius map
Comet 38P/Stephan-Oterma Professional Telescope 01:12 10:54 28.24 Libra map
Comet 141P/Machholz Professional Telescope 03:12 10:57 25.99 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid 2012 TC4 Professional Telescope 03:21 10:59 31.48 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VO142 Professional Telescope 03:22 11:08 30.56 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 PJ1 Professional Telescope 03:34 11:12 29.44 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid 3 Juno Small Telescope 00:56 11:15 10.98 Libra map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 UE Professional Telescope 03:45 11:22 27.62 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid 5 Astraea Large Telescope 02:31 11:25 12.06 Ophiuchus map
136472 Makemake Large Telescope 19:37 11:26 17.09 Coma map
Comet 19P/Borrelly Professional Telescope 02:16 11:27 24.81 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 TB7 Professional Telescope 03:37 11:29 30.82 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 DG200 Professional Telescope 01:35 11:30 29.42 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 SU7 Professional Telescope 03:38 11:33 28.99 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 GA2 Professional Telescope 04:05 11:42 31.35 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 BX1 Professional Telescope 03:29 11:42 31.35 Ophiuchus map
Comet 230P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 01:25 11:44 22.86 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2009 WR52 Professional Telescope 03:37 11:46 30.57 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 HH1 Professional Telescope 04:19 11:53 29.82 Sagittarius map
Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) Professional Telescope 01:27 11:56 22.57 Ophiuchus map
Comet 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR Professional Telescope 03:36 11:58 31.67 Ophiuchus map
136108 Haumea Large Telescope 21:32 12:00 17.29 Bootes map
Comet C/2020 S4 (PANSTARRS) Professional Telescope 00:33 12:08 20.31 Serpens map
Comet 104P/Kowal Professional Telescope 03:43 12:12 27.64 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2010 RA91 Professional Telescope 03:52 12:14 26.70 Sagittarius map
Comet 204P/LINEAR-NEAT Professional Telescope 04:02 12:14 24.10 Sagittarius map
Comet 207P/NEAT Professional Telescope 03:10 12:22 25.53 Serpens map
Comet C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz) Professional Telescope 01:53 12:24 20.60 Ophiuchus map
Asteroid 2007 FT3 Professional Telescope 21:33 12:25 20.54 Bootes map
Comet 402P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 20:57 12:26 21.84 Bootes map
Asteroid (NEO) 2019 WV Professional Telescope 04:46 12:28 27.68 Sagittarius map
Comet 27P/Crommelin Professional Telescope 03:21 12:28 53.55 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2007 WA Professional Telescope 04:58 12:33 27.03 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 CD Professional Telescope 03:54 12:35 28.90 Sagittarius map
Comet 118P/Shoemaker-Levy Professional Telescope 03:15 12:36 23.18 Serpens map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 TW17 Professional Telescope 05:02 12:39 24.55 Sagittarius map
Comet 13P/Olbers Professional Telescope 04:16 12:44 19.19 Sagittarius map
Asteroid A/2017 U7 Professional Telescope 22:24 12:52 21.09 Serpens map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 XH55 Professional Telescope 05:05 12:58 31.74 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 VV Professional Telescope 05:17 12:59 30.10 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 CO6 Professional Telescope 03:12 13:03 27.17 Serpens map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 YR6 Professional Telescope 05:05 13:06 31.00 Sagittarius map
Comet 75D/Kohoutek (Lost) Professional Telescope 05:17 13:15 21.46 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2003 RU11 Professional Telescope 05:02 13:24 27.63 Sagittarius map
Comet 255P/Levy Professional Telescope 05:22 13:25 41.96 Sagittarius map
Comet 14P/Wolf Professional Telescope 02:05 13:31 21.60 Ophiuchus map
Comet 8P/Tuttle Professional Telescope 04:13 13:32 23.64 Scutum map

Objects Visible Before Sunrise

Object Visibility Rise Mag Constellation Map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 YB1 Professional Telescope 06:00
1h 07m before sunrise
29.14 Sagittarius map
Asteroid 1999 KW4 Professional Telescope 05:03
2h 04m before sunrise
19.35 Sagittarius map
Comet 210P/Christensen Professional Telescope 06:19
0h 49m before sunrise
23.40 Sagittarius map
Comet 78P/Gehrels Professional Telescope 05:07
2h 00m before sunrise
20.00 Sagittarius map
Comet C/2020 U5 (PANSTARRS) Professional Telescope 05:09
1h 59m before sunrise
21.65 Sagittarius map
Comet West (C/1975 V1-A) Professional Telescope 05:14
1h 53m before sunrise
29.28 Sagittarius map
Pluto Large Telescope 06:37
0h 31m before sunrise
14.55 Capricornus map
Comet 94P/Russell Professional Telescope 06:40
0h 28m before sunrise
22.32 Capricornus map
Asteroid 6 Hebe Small Telescope 04:50
2h 18m before sunrise
10.74 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2014 XC8 Professional Telescope 06:08
1h 00m before sunrise
28.42 Capricornus map
Asteroid 433 Eros Large Telescope 06:29
0h 38m before sunrise
14.15 Capricornus map
Comet 70P/Kojima Professional Telescope 06:07
1h 00m before sunrise
24.69 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 35396 Professional Telescope 05:56
1h 11m before sunrise
19.04 Capricornus map
Comet 269P/Jedicke Professional Telescope 05:26
1h 41m before sunrise
24.15 Sagittarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2006 HE2 Professional Telescope 06:12
0h 56m before sunrise
28.67 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 Professional Telescope 06:23
0h 45m before sunrise
29.65 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2024 SN3 Professional Telescope 03:40
3h 27m before sunrise
29.00 Aquila map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SN6 Professional Telescope 06:26
0h 42m before sunrise
31.99 Capricornus map
Comet 398P/Boattini Professional Telescope 06:17
0h 50m before sunrise
25.09 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 GY1 Professional Telescope 05:52
1h 15m before sunrise
30.77 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 GQ2 Professional Telescope 19:14
11h 53m before sunrise
23.03 Bootes map
Asteroid 2016 WF9 Professional Telescope 06:30
0h 37m before sunrise
27.30 Capricornus map
Comet C/2024 B1 (Lemmon) Large Telescope 00:50
6h 17m before sunrise
17.4 Hercules map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 BB Professional Telescope 06:39
0h 28m before sunrise
29.94 Capricornus map
Comet 114P/Wiseman-Skiff Professional Telescope 05:32
1h 36m before sunrise
25.29 Capricornus map
Comet 217P/LINEAR Large Telescope 06:32
0h 35m before sunrise
17.59 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2021 UO1 Professional Telescope 05:27
1h 41m before sunrise
32.00 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2004 DF2 Professional Telescope 06:49
0h 18m before sunrise
29.11 Capricornus map
Asteroid 2002 NT7 Professional Telescope 04:54
2h 14m before sunrise
21.51 Aquila map
Comet C/2023 R2 (PANSTARRS) Professional Telescope 03:16
3h 52m before sunrise
18.81 Aquila map
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 UC4 Professional Telescope 06:41
0h 26m before sunrise
28.86 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2001 AV43 Professional Telescope 06:43
0h 24m before sunrise
27.89 Capricornus map
Asteroid (NEO) 2017 VN2 Professional Telescope 06:45
0h 22m before sunrise
29.42 Capricornus map
Asteroid 12 Victoria Small Telescope 06:08
0h 59m before sunrise
11.38 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2023 TD167 Professional Telescope 06:50
0h 18m before sunrise
31.09 Capricornus map
Asteroid 2 Pallas Small Telescope 03:31
3h 36m before sunrise
10.51 Aquila map
Asteroid (NEO) 2014 HB177 Professional Telescope 07:09
23h 58m before sunrise
29.86 Capricornus map
Comet 48P/Johnson Large Telescope 07:33
23h 35m before sunrise
16.43 Capricornus map
Asteroid 1 Ceres Binocular 08:00
23h 07m before sunrise
8.98 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2022 QT7 Professional Telescope 07:11
23h 56m before sunrise
30.81 Capricornus map
Comet C/2022 U1 (Leonard) Professional Telescope 02:40
4h 27m before sunrise
19.09 Aquila map
Comet 209P/LINEAR Professional Telescope 09:17
21h 51m before sunrise
22.75 Aquarius map
Asteroid 2014 SR349 Professional Telescope 09:13
21h 55m before sunrise
23.81 Aquarius map
Asteroid (NEO) 2006 SB Professional Telescope 06:34
0h 33m before sunrise
28.18 Aquarius map
Comet C/2021 C5 (PANSTARRS) Professional Telescope 06:43
0h 24m before sunrise
21.35 Aquarius map

Sunrise: 07:08

Tonight's Conjunctions

List of the closest conjunctions happening tonight between objects we are currently tracking, in order of increasing separation. The green arrow indicates that the objects are currently getting closer, while the red arrow means that the objects are increasing their apparent separation.

Object 1 Object 2 Separation
Comet 30P/Reinmuth Asteroid 4 Vesta 0° 53’ 25” map
Asteroid 20 Massalia Asteroid 3200 Phaethon 1° 05’ 59” map
Pluto Asteroid 433 Eros 1° 26’ 50” map
Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) Asteroid 9 Metis 1° 38’ 09” map
Comet 37P/Forbes Comet 249P/LINEAR 1° 53’ 06” map
Venus Asteroid 7 Iris 1° 58’ 02” map