CH Cities (sitemap)
List of cities used for astronomical data localization.
- Aadorf
- Aarau
- Aarberg
- Aarburg
- Aarwangen
- Acquarossa
- Adelboden
- Adligenswil
- Adliswil
- Adliswil / Adliswil (Stadtkern)
- Adliswil / Hündli-Zopf
- Adliswil / Oberleimbach
- Adliswil / Sonnenberg
- Adliswil / Sood
- Adliswil / Tal
- Aesch
- Aesch
- Aeschi
- Affeltrangen
- Affoltern / Hasenbüel
- Affoltern / Oberdorf
- Affoltern / Sonnenberg
- Affoltern / Unterdorf
- Affoltern am Albis
- Agno
- Aigle
- Aire-la-Ville
- Airolo
- Alle
- Allschwil
- Alpnach
- Altdorf
- Altendorf
- Alterswil
- Altishofen
- Altnau
- Altstätten
- Amden
- Amriswil
- Andelfingen
- Andermatt
- Andwil
- Anières
- Appenzell
- Apples
- Arbon
- Arch
- Ardon
- Arisdorf
- Aristau
- Arlesheim
- Arosa
- Arth
- Arvigo
- Arzier
- Arzo
- Ascona
- Attalens
- Attinghausen
- Attiswil
- Au
- Au
- Au / Mittel-Dorf
- Au / Unter-Dorf
- Aubonne
- Auvernier
- Auw
- Avenches
- Avry
- Ayent
- Baar
- Bachenbülach
- Bad Ragaz
- Bad Zurzach
- Baden
- Bagnes
- Balerna
- Balgach
- Ballens
- Ballwil
- Balsthal
- Baltschieder
- Bäretswil
- Bäriswil
- Bas-Vully
- Basel
- Basse-Nendaz
- Bassecourt
- Bassersdorf
- Bätterkinden
- Bauen
- Bauma
- Bavois
- Beatenberg
- Beckenried
- Begnins
- Belfaux
- Bellevue
- Bellinzona
- Bellmund
- Belmont-sur-Lausanne
- Belp
- Benglen
- Benken
- Berg
- Berikon
- Beringen
- Bern
- Bernex
- Berolle
- Beromünster
- Bettingen
- Bettlach
- Bevaix
- Bévilard
- Bex
- Biasca
- Biberist
- Biberstein
- Biel/Bienne
- Bière
- Biglen
- Bilten
- Binningen
- Binz
- Binzikon
- Bioggio
- Birchwil
- Birmensdorf
- Birmenstorf
- Birr
- Birsfelden
- Blécherette
- Blonay
- Blumenstein
- Bodio
- Bolligen
- Boltigen
- Bonaduz
- Boncourt
- Bönigen
- Boniswil
- Bonstetten
- Bösingen
- Bottens
- Bottighofen
- Bottmingen
- Boudry
- Bowil
- Braggio
- Breíl
- Breitenbach
- Bremgarten
- Brienz
- Brig
- Brislach
- Brissago
- Brittnau
- Broc
- Bronschhofen
- Brugg
- Brügg
- Brusio
- Brütten
- Brüttisellen
- Bubendorf
- Bubikon
- Buchholterberg
- Buchrain
- Buchs
- Buchs
- Bühler
- Bülach
- Bülach / Gstückt
- Bülach / Niederflachs
- Bülach / Seematt
- Bülach / Soligänter
- Bulle
- Buochs
- Burgdorf
- Burgistein
- Bürglen
- Bürglen
- Büron
- Buseno
- Büsserach
- Bussigny
- Bütschwil
- Buttisholz
- Buttwil
- Buus
- Cadempino
- Cadenazzo
- Cadro
- Camorino
- Cancori
- Canobbio
- Carouge
- Caslano
- Castel San Pietro
- Cauco
- Caux
- Cazis
- Celerina
- Cernier
- Cevio
- Chalais
- Cham
- Chamoson
- Champéry
- Chancy
- Chardonne
- Charmey
- Charrat-les-Chênes
- Château-d'Oex
- Châtel-Saint-Denis
- Chavannes
- Chavannes-le-Veyron
- Chavornay
- Chêne-Bougeries
- Chêne-Bourg
- Chermignon-d’en Haut
- Cheseaux
- Chevilly
- Chexbres
- Chézard-Saint-Martin
- Chiasso
- Chippis
- Chur
- Churwalden
- Claro
- Collombey
- Colombier
- Comano
- Confignon
- Conthey
- Coppet
- Corgémont
- Corminboeuf
- Cornaux
- Corsier
- Cortaillod
- Cossonay
- Courfaivre
- Courgenay
- Courrendlin
- Courroux
- Court
- Courtelary
- Courtételle
- Couvet
- Crissier
- Cuarnens
- Cugnasco
- Cugy
- Cully
- Dachsen
- Dagmersellen
- Dallenwil
- Dällikon / Dällikon (Dorf)
- Dänikon
- Dardagny
- Därligen
- Davos
- Degersheim
- Deitingen
- Delémont
- Densbüren
- Derendingen
- Diegten
- Dielsdorf
- Diemtigen
- Diepoldsau
- Diessenhofen
- Dietikon
- Dietikon / Almend
- Dietikon / Guggenbühl
- Dietikon / Hofacker
- Dietikon / Kreuzacker
- Dietikon / Oberdorf
- Dietikon / Schönenwerd
- Dietikon / Vorstadt
- Dietlikon / Dietlikon (Dorf)
- Dietlikon / Eichwiesen
- Disentis
- Domat
- Dombresson
- Domdidier
- Dorf
- Dornach
- Dottikon
- Dübendorf
- Dübendorf / Kunklerstrasse
- Dübendorf / Sonnenberg
- Dübendorf / Vogelquartier
- Dübendorf / Wasserfurren
- Düdingen
- Dürnten
- Dürrenäsch
- Dürrenroth
- Ebikon
- Ebmatingen
- Ebnat-Kappel
- Echallens
- Ecublens
- Ecublens
- Effretikon
- Effretikon / Rappenhalde-Bannhalde
- Effretikon / Rikon
- Effretikon / Watt
- Egerkingen
- Egg
- Eggersriet
- Eggiwil
- Egliswil
- Egnach
- Ehrendingen
- Eich
- Eichberg
- Eiken
- Einsiedeln
- Elgg
- Elgg / Städtchen und Umgebung
- Elsau-Räterschen
- Elsau-Räterschen / Räterschen
- Embrach
- Embrach / Embrach (Dorfkern)
- Embrach / Kellersacker
- Emmen
- Emmetten
- End-Höri
- Engelberg
- Ennenda
- Ennetbürgen
- Entlebuch
- Epalinges
- Ependes
- Eriswil
- Erlach
- Erlen
- Erlenbach
- Erlenbach / links des Dorfbachs oberhalb Bahnlinie
- Erlenbach / rechts des Dorfbachs oberhalb Bahnlinie
- Erlenbach im Simmental
- Ermatingen
- Ersigen
- Erstfeld
- Eschenbach
- Eschenz
- Eschlikon
- Escholzmatt
- Esslingen
- Estavayer-le-Lac
- Ettingen
- Ettiswil
- Evilard
- Evionnaz
- Evolène
- Faido
- Fällanden
- Fehraltorf
- Feldmeilen
- Felsberg
- Ferenbalm
- Ferreyres
- Feuerthalen
- Feusisberg
- Fiesch
- Fischingen
- Flamatt
- Flawil
- Fleurier
- Flims
- Flüelen
- Flühli
- Flums
- Flurlingen
- Fontainemelon
- Fontenais
- Founex
- Fraubrunnen
- Frauenfeld
- Frauenkappelen
- Freienbach
- Freienstein
- Frenkendorf
- Fribourg
- Frick
- Froideville
- Frutigen
- Fulenbach
- Füllinsdorf
- Fully
- Gachnang
- Gais
- Gampel
- Gams
- Ganterschwil
- Gattikon
- Gebenstorf
- Gelterkinden
- Genève
- Genolier
- Gerlafingen
- Geroldswil
- Gersau
- Geuensee
- Giffers
- Gimel
- Gipf-Oberfrick
- Giswil
- Giubiasco
- Givisiez
- Gland
- Glarus
- Glattbrugg
- Glattbrugg / Rohr/Platten-Balsberg
- Glattbrugg / Wydacker/Bettacker/Lättenwiesen
- Glattfelden
- Glovelier
- Gockhausen
- Goldach
- Goldau
- Goldingen
- Gommiswald
- Gonten
- Gontenschwil
- Gordola
- Gorgier
- Gossau
- Gossau
- Gottlieben
- Grabs
- Grächen
- Grancy
- Grand-Savagnier
- Grandson
- Gränichen
- Gravesano
- Greifensee
- Greifensee / Müllerwis / Seilerwis
- Greifensee / Pfisterhölzli
- Grellingen
- Grenchen
- Grimisuat
- Grindelwald
- Grolley
- Grône
- Grossacker/Opfikon
- Grossaffoltern
- Grosswangen
- Grüsch
- Grüt
- Gruyères
- Gryon
- Gstaad
- Guggisberg
- Gunzgen
- Gunzwil
- Gurwolf
- Gutenswil
- Güttingen
- Haag (Rheintal)
- Hadlikon
- Hägendorf
- Häggenschwil
- Hägglingen
- Hallau
- Hasle
- Hausen
- Hausen am Albis / Hausen (Dorf)
- Hedingen
- Hegnau
- Hegnau / Dammboden-Grindel
- Hegnau / Sunnebüel-Eich
- Heiden
- Heimberg
- Heimiswil
- Heitenried
- Henggart
- Hérémence
- Hergiswil
- Herisau
- Hermiswil
- Herrliberg
- Herzogenbuchsee
- Hettlingen
- Hildisrieden
- Hilterfingen
- Himmelried
- Hindelbank
- Hinteregg
- Hinterrhein
- Hinwil
- Hittnau / Hittnau (Dorf)
- Hitzkirch
- Hochdorf
- Hochfelden
- Hochwald
- Hofstetten
- Hohenrain
- Hölstein
- Hombrechtikon
- Homburg
- Horgen
- Horgen / Allmend
- Horgen / Horgen (Dorfkern)
- Horgen / Oberdorf
- Horgen / Scheller-Stockerstrasse
- Horn
- Horw
- Hünenberg
- Huttwil
- Hüttwilen
- Ibach
- Igis
- Ilanz
- Illnau
- Illnau / Unter-Illnau
- Ingenbohl
- Ins
- Interlaken
- Inwil
- Itingen
- Jegenstorf
- Jenaz
- Jona
- Jonen
- Jongny
- Jonschwil
- Jussy
- Kaiseraugst
- Kaisten
- Kallnach
- Kaltbrunn
- Kandersteg
- Känerkinden
- Kappelen
- Kehrsatz
- Kerns
- Kerzers
- Kilchberg
- Kilchberg / Bächler-Stocken
- Kilchberg / Kilchberg (Dorfkern)
- Killwangen
- Kindhausen / Kindhausen (Dorf)
- Kirchberg
- Kirchberg
- Kirchleerau
- Kirchlindach
- Kleinandelfingen
- Kleinlützel
- Klingnau
- Klosters Serneus
- Kloten
- Kloten / Balsberg
- Kloten / Freienberg (Chanzler-Chlini Chaseren)
- Kloten / Geissberg
- Kloten / Holberg
- Kloten / Horainli
- Kloten / Hostrass
- Kloten / Kloten (Zentrum)
- Kloten / Rütlen
- Kloten / Spitz
- Knonau
- Knutwil
- Koblenz
- Kollbrunn
- Kollbrunn / Kollbrunn (Dorfkern)
- Kölliken
- Köniz
- Konolfingen
- Koppigen
- Krauchthal
- Kreuzlingen
- Kriegstetten
- Kriens
- Krummenau
- Künten
- Küsnacht
- Küsnacht / Dorf
- Küsnacht / Goldbach
- Küsnacht / Heslibach
- Küsnacht / Itschnach
- Küsnacht / Schiedhalden
- Küssnacht
- Küttigen
- L'Abbaye
- La Chaux
- La Chaux-de-Fonds
- La Neuveville
- La Roche
- La Sarraz
- La Tour-de-Peilz
- La Tour-de-Trême
- Laax
- Lachen
- Lancy
- Landquart
- Langenbruck
- Langendorf
- Langenthal
- Langnau
- Langnau / Langnau (Dorf)
- Langnau / Vitaquartier
- Langnau am Albis
- Langrickenbach
- Läufelfingen
- Laufen
- Laufenburg
- Lauffohr (Brugg)
- Laupen
- Laupersdorf
- Lauperswil
- Lausanne
- Lausen
- Lauterbrunnen
- Lavertezzo
- Le Châtelard
- Le Chenit
- Le Grand-Saconnex
- Le Landeron
- Le Locle
- Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
- Le Noirmont
- Le Vaud
- Leibstadt
- Lengnau
- Lenk
- Lens
- Lenzburg
- Les Avanchets
- Les Bois
- Les Brenets
- Les Breuleux
- Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
- Les Ponts-de-Martel
- Leuk
- Leukerbad
- Leuzigen
- Leysin
- Leytron
- Lichtensteig
- Liesberg
- Liestal
- Ligornetto
- Linden
- Linthal
- Littau
- Locarno
- Lodrino
- Löhningen
- Losone
- Lostorf
- Lotzwil
- Lucens
- Luchsingen
- Lugano
- Lumino
- Lungern
- Luterbach
- Luthern
- Lütisburg
- Lutry
- Lützelflüh
- Luzein
- Luzern
- Lyss
- Lyssach
- Madiswil
- Magadino
- Magden
- Maienfeld
- Malans
- Malleray
- Malters
- Malvaglia
- Männedorf
- Männedorf / Ausserfeld
- Männedorf / Dorfkern
- Marly
- Marsens
- Märstetten-Dorf
- Marthalen
- Martigny-Combe
- Martigny-Ville
- Massagno
- Matran
- Matten
- Mattenbach (Kreis 7)
- Mattenbach (Kreis 7) / Deutweg
- Mattenbach (Kreis 7) / Endliker
- Mattenbach (Kreis 7) / Gutschick
- Matzendorf
- Matzingen
- Mauensee
- Mauraz
- Meggen
- Meierskappel
- Meilen
- Meinier
- Meinisberg
- Meiringen
- Meisterschwanden
- Melano
- Melchnau
- Melide
- Mellingen
- Mendrisio
- Menziken
- Menzingen
- Menznau
- Merenschwand
- Mesocco
- Messen
- Mettmenstetten
- Meyrin
- Mézières
- Minusio
- Mogelsberg
- Möhlin
- Moiry
- Mollens
- Mollis
- Mönchaltorf
- Mönchaltorf / Dorf
- Montagnola
- Montagny
- Montana
- Monte Carasso
- Monthey
- Montreux
- Morbio Inferiore
- Morges
- Mörschwil
- Mosnang
- Moudon
- Moutier
- Muhen
- Mühleberg
- Mühlehalde
- Mühlethurnen
- Müllheim
- Mumpf
- Münchenbuchsee
- Münchenstein
- Münchwilen
- Münsingen
- Münsterlingen
- Muolen
- Muotathal
- Murgenthal
- Muri
- Muri
- Murten
- Muttenz
- Näfels
- Nänikon
- Nänikon / Nänikon (Dorfkern)
- Naters
- Nebikon
- Neerach
- Neftenbach / Dorf Neftenbach
- Netstal
- Neuchâtel
- Neudorf
- Neuenhof
- Neuenkirch
- Neuhausen
- Neunkirch
- Nidau
- Niederbipp
- Niederbüren
- Niedererlinsbach
- Niederglatt
- Niederglatt / Niederglatt (Dorfkern)
- Niedergösgen
- Niederhasli
- Niederhelfenschwil
- Niederlenz
- Niederrohrdorf
- Niederurnen
- Niederwichtrach
- Nottwil
- Novazzano
- Nunningen
- Nürensdorf
- Nyon
- Oberbipp
- Oberbuchsiten
- Oberburg
- Oberdiessbach
- Oberdorf
- Oberegg
- Oberendingen
- Oberengstringen
- Oberengstringen / Rauchacher
- Oberengstringen / Sonnenberg
- Oberengstringen / Zentrum
- Oberentfelden
- Oberglatt
- Oberglatt / Bahnhofquartier
- Oberglatt / Oberglatt (Dorfkern)
- Obergösgen
- Oberhelfenschwil
- Oberhof
- Oberkirch
- Oberlunkhofen
- Obermeilen
- Oberrieden
- Oberrieden / Berg
- Oberrieden / Mitte
- Oberriet
- Oberrüti
- Oberschrot
- Obersiggenthal
- Oberurnen
- Oberuzwil
- Oberwil
- Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2)
- Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) / Guggenbühl
- Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) / Hegi
- Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) / Talacker
- Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) / Zinzikon
- Obfelden
- Obfelden / Oberlunnern
- Obfelden / Toussen
- Oensingen
- Oetwil
- Oftringen
- Ollon
- Olten
- Onex
- Opfikon
- Orbe
- Ormalingen
- Orny
- Oron-la-ville
- Orpund
- Orsières
- Orvin
- Otelfingen
- Othmarsingen
- Ottenbach
- Pailly
- Palézieux
- Pampigny
- Paudex
- Payerne
- Penthalaz
- Penthéréaz
- Perroy
- Péry
- Peseux
- Pfaffhausen
- Pfäffikon
- Pfäffikon / Irgenhausen
- Pfäffikon / Pfäffikon (Dorfkern)
- Pfaffnau
- Pfeffingen
- Pfungen
- Pfyn
- Pieterlen
- Plaffeien
- Plan-les-Ouates
- Pompaples
- Ponte
- Pontresina
- Porrentruy
- Port-Valais
- Poschiavo
- Prangins
- Praroman
- Pratteln
- Pregassona
- Préverenges
- Prilly
- Promontogno
- Puidoux
- Pully
- Puplinge
- Pura
- Quarten
- Radelfingen
- Rafz
- Ramsen
- Randogne
- Rapperswil
- Raron
- Rebstein
- Rechthalten
- Reconvilier
- Regensdorf
- Regensdorf / Feldblumen-Riedthofstrasse
- Regensdorf / Hofacher-Geeren
- Regensdorf / Obstgarten
- Rehetobel
- Reichenburg
- Reiden
- Reigoldswil
- Reinach
- Renens
- Rhäzüns
- Rheineck
- Rheinfelden
- Riaz
- Richterswil
- Richterswil / Burghalde
- Richterswil / Dorfkern
- Richterswil / Richterswil (Dorfkern)
- Riddes
- Riedholz
- Riehen
- Riggisberg
- Ringgenberg
- Riva San Vitale
- Rodersdorf
- Roggwil
- Roggwil
- Rohr
- Rohrbach
- Rolle
- Romanel
- Romanshorn
- Römerswil
- Romont
- Root
- Rorbas
- Rorschach
- Röschenz
- Rothenthurm
- Rothrist
- Roveredo
- Rubigen
- Rüderswil
- Rudolfstetten
- Rue
- Rüeggisberg
- Rueyres
- Rümlang
- Rümlang / Rümlang (Dorfkern)
- Rupperswil
- Rüschegg
- Rüschlikon
- Russikon
- Ruswil
- Rüthi
- Rüti
- Rüti / Dorfzentrum, Südl. Teil
- Rüti / Oberdorf
- Rüti / Westlicher Dorfteil
- Saanen
- Saas-Fee
- Saas-Grund
- Sachseln
- Safenwil
- Saignelégier
- Saillon
- Saint Moritz
- Saint-Aubin-Sauges
- Saint-Blaise
- Saint-Cergue
- Saint-George
- Saint-Imier
- Saint-Léonard
- Saint-Livres
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Prex
- Sainte-Croix
- Sâles
- Salgesch
- Salmsach
- Salvan
- Samedan
- Sankt Antoni
- Sankt Gallen
- Sankt Gallenkappel
- Sankt Margrethen
- Sankt Niklaus
- Sankt Peterzell
- Sankt Stephan
- Santa Maria in Calanca
- Sargans
- Sarmenstorf
- Sarnen
- Satigny
- Sattel
- Saubraz
- Savièse
- Savigny
- Saxon
- Schachen
- Schaffhausen
- Schafisheim
- Schänis
- Schattdorf
- Schenkon
- Schiers
- Schindellegi
- Schinznach Bad
- Schinznach Dorf
- Schleitheim
- Schlieren
- Schlieren / Boden
- Schlieren / Engstingerquartier
- Schlieren / Freiestrasse
- Schlieren / Kamp
- Schlieren / Spital
- Schlieren / Zentrum
- Schmerikon
- Schmitten
- Schöftland
- Schönenbuch
- Schönenwerd
- Schötz
- Schübelbach
- Schüpfen
- Schüpfheim
- Schwaderloch
- Schwanden
- Schwarzenberg
- Schwellbrunn
- Schwerzenbach
- Schwerzenbach / Blatten
- Schwerzenbach / Chimli
- Schwyz
- Scuol
- Seeberg
- Seedorf
- Seedorf
- Seen (Kreis 3)
- Seen (Kreis 3) / Büelwiesen
- Seen (Kreis 3) / Ganzenbühl
- Seen (Kreis 3) / Oberseen
- Seen (Kreis 3) / Waldegg
- Seen (Kreis 3) / Waser
- Seengen
- Seftigen
- Seglingen
- Sellenbüren
- Seltisberg
- Selzach
- Sementina
- Sempach
- Sennwald
- Seon
- Seuzach / Seuzach (Dorf)
- Seuzach Dorf
- Seuzach Dorf / Breite-Weid
- Sevelen
- Sierre
- Signau
- Sigriswil
- Silenen
- Silvaplana
- Sins
- Sirnach
- Sissach
- Sitten
- Solothurn
- Sonnhalde
- Sorengo
- Sottens
- Speicher
- Spiez
- Spreitenbach
- Stabio
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1)
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Altstadt
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Brühlberg
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Heiligberg
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Lind
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Neuwiesen
- Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) / Tössfeld
- Stäfa
- Staffelbach
- Stalden
- Stans
- Stansstad
- Staufen
- Steckborn
- Steffisburg
- Stein
- Stein am Rhein
- Steinen
- Steinhausen
- Steinmaur
- Stetten
- Stettfurt
- Stettlen
- Strengelbach
- Subingen
- Suhr
- Sulgen
- Sulz
- Sulz
- Sumiswald
- Sursee
- Tafers
- Tagelswangen
- Tägertschi
- Tägerwilen
- Tamins
- Tanay
- Tann
- Tann / Tann (Dorfkern)
- Täuffelen
- Tavannes
- Tegerfelden
- Tenniken
- Tesserete
- Teufen
- Teufenthal
- Thalwil
- Thalwil / Berg
- Thalwil / Dorfkern
- Thalwil / Nord
- Thalwil / See
- Thalwil / Süd
- Thayngen
- Therwil
- Thierachern
- Thônex
- Thun
- Thundorf
- Thusis
- Tiefencastel
- Toffen
- Töss (Kreis 4)
- Töss (Kreis 4) / Eichliacker
- Töss (Kreis 4) / Schlosstal
- Töss (Kreis 4) / Vorder-Dättnau
- Trachselwald
- Tramelan
- Travers
- Trélex
- Treyvaux
- Triengen
- Trimbach
- Trimmis
- Trogen
- Troinex
- Troistorrents
- Trub
- Trubschachen
- Trun
- Tuggen
- Turbenthal
- Turgi
- Turtmann
- Udligenswil
- Ueberstorf
- Uerikon
- Uerkheim
- Uetendorf
- Uetikon
- Uetikon / Grossdorf
- Uhwiesen
- Uitikon
- Unterägeri
- Unterengstringen
- Unteriberg
- Unterkulm
- Unterlunkhofen
- Unterseen
- Untersiggenthal
- Untervaz
- Urdorf
- Urdorf / Bodenfeld
- Urdorf / Moos
- Urdorf / Oberurdorf
- Urnäsch
- Urtenen
- Uster
- Uster / Gschwader
- Uster / Kirch-Uster
- Uster / Nieder-Uster
- Uster / Nossikon
- Uster / Ober-Uster
- Uttigen
- Uttwil
- Utzenstorf
- Uznach
- Uzwil
- Vallorbe
- Vandœuvres
- Varen
- Vechigen
- Veltheim
- Veltheim (Kreis 5)
- Veltheim (Kreis 5) / Blumenau
- Veltheim (Kreis 5) / Rosenberg
- Verbier
- Vernayaz
- Vernier
- Verscio
- Versoix
- Vétroz
- Vevey
- Vex
- Veyras
- Veyrier
- Vicques
- Viganello
- Villars-sur-Glâne
- Villars-sur-Ollon
- Villaz-Saint-Pierre
- Villeneuve
- Villigen
- Villmergen
- Villnachern
- Vionnaz
- Visp
- Visperterminen
- Vitznau
- Volketswil / Volketswil (Dorf)
- Vordemwald
- Vorderthal
- Vouvry
- Vuadens
- Vuarrens
- Wädenswil
- Wädenswil / Boller-Giessen
- Wädenswil / Büelen
- Wädenswil / Dorf (Wädenswil)
- Wädenswil / Eichweid
- Wädenswil / Hangenmoos
- Wädenswil / Leihof-Mühlebach
- Wädenswil / Untermosen-Fuhr
- Wagenhausen
- Wahlen
- Wahlern
- Walchwil
- Wald
- Wald
- Waldenburg
- Waldkirch
- Waldstatt
- Walenstadt
- Walkringen
- Wallisellen
- Wallisellen / Rieden
- Wallisellen / Wallisellen-Ost
- Wallisellen / Wallisellen-West
- Waltenschwil
- Walzenhausen
- Wangen
- Wangen
- Wangen an der Aare
- Wängi
- Wattenwil
- Wattwil
- Wauwil
- Weesen
- Wegenstetten
- Weggis
- Weinfelden
- Weiningen
- Weisslingen
- Welschenrohr
- Werthenstein
- Wettingen
- Wettswil / Ausser-Dorf
- Wettswil / Wettswil (Dorf)
- Wetzikon
- Wetzikon / Kempten
- Wetzikon / Ober-Wetzikon
- Wetzikon / Robenhausen
- Wetzikon / Unter-Wetzikon
- Wiedlisbach
- Wiesendangen / Wiesendangen (Dorf)
- Wigoltingen
- Wikon
- Wil
- Wila
- Wilchingen
- Wilderswil
- Wildhaus
- Willisau
- Wimmis
- Windisch
- Winterthur
- Wittenbach
- Wittnau
- Wohlen
- Wohlen
- Wolfenschiessen
- Wolfhausen
- Wölflinswil
- Wolfwil
- Wolhusen
- Wollerau
- Worb
- Worben
- Wülflingen (Kreis 6)
- Wülflingen (Kreis 6) / Härti
- Wülflingen (Kreis 6) / Lindenplatz
- Wülflingen (Kreis 6) / Niederfeld
- Wülflingen (Kreis 6) / Oberfeld
- Würenlingen
- Würenlos
- Wynau
- Wynigen
- Wyssachen
- Yverdon-les-Bains
- Yvonand
- Zäziwil
- Zell
- Zermatt
- Zernez
- Zizers
- Zofingen
- Zollikerberg
- Zollikofen
- Zollikon
- Zuchwil
- Zug
- Zumikon
- Zunzgen
- Zuoz
- Zürich
- Zürich (Kreis 1)
- Zürich (Kreis 1) / City
- Zürich (Kreis 1) / Lindenhof
- Zürich (Kreis 1) / Rathaus
- Zürich (Kreis 10)
- Zürich (Kreis 10) / Höngg
- Zürich (Kreis 10) / Rütihof
- Zürich (Kreis 10) / Wipkingen
- Zürich (Kreis 11)
- Zürich (Kreis 11) / Affoltern
- Zürich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon
- Zürich (Kreis 11) / Schwandenholz
- Zürich (Kreis 11) / Seebach
- Zürich (Kreis 12)
- Zürich (Kreis 12) / Auzelg
- Zürich (Kreis 12) / Hirzenbach
- Zürich (Kreis 12) / Saatlen
- Zürich (Kreis 12) / Schwamendingen-Mitte
- Zürich (Kreis 2)
- Zürich (Kreis 2) / Enge
- Zürich (Kreis 2) / Mittel-Leimbach
- Zürich (Kreis 2) / Unter-Leimbach
- Zürich (Kreis 2) / Wollishofen
- Zürich (Kreis 3)
- Zürich (Kreis 3) / Alt-Wiedikon
- Zürich (Kreis 3) / Friesenberg
- Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld
- Zürich (Kreis 4)
- Zürich (Kreis 4) / Hard
- Zürich (Kreis 4) / Langstrasse
- Zürich (Kreis 4) / Werd
- Zürich (Kreis 5)
- Zürich (Kreis 5) / Escher-Wyss
- Zürich (Kreis 5) / Gewerbeschule
- Zürich (Kreis 6)
- Zürich (Kreis 6) / Oberstrass
- Zürich (Kreis 6) / Unterstrass
- Zürich (Kreis 7)
- Zürich (Kreis 7) / Fluntern
- Zürich (Kreis 7) / Hirslanden
- Zürich (Kreis 7) / Hottingen
- Zürich (Kreis 7) / Witikon
- Zürich (Kreis 8)
- Zürich (Kreis 8) / Mühlebach
- Zürich (Kreis 8) / Seefeld
- Zürich (Kreis 8) / Weinegg
- Zürich (Kreis 9)
- Zürich (Kreis 9) / Albisrieden
- Zürich (Kreis 9) / Altstetten
- Zuzwil
- Zweisimmen
- Zwingen
Visibility of solar eclipses from this country
- Visibility of the 1901-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1901-11-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1902-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1902-05-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1902-10-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1903-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1903-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1904-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1904-09-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1905-03-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1905-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1906-02-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1906-07-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1906-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1907-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1907-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1908-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1908-06-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1908-12-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1909-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1909-12-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1910-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1910-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1911-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1911-10-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1912-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1912-10-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1913-04-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1913-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1913-09-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1914-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1914-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1915-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1915-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1916-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1916-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1916-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1917-01-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1917-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1917-07-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1917-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1918-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1918-12-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1919-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1919-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1920-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1920-11-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1921-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1921-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1922-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1922-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1923-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1923-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1924-03-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1924-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1924-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1925-01-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1925-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1926-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1926-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1927-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1927-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1927-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1928-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1928-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1928-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1929-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1929-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1930-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1930-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1931-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1931-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1931-10-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1932-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1932-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1933-02-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1933-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1934-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1934-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1935-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1935-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1935-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1935-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1935-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1936-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1936-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1937-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1937-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1938-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1938-11-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1939-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1939-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1940-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1940-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1941-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1941-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1942-03-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1942-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1942-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1943-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1943-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1944-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1944-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1945-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1945-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1946-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1946-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1946-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1946-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1947-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1947-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1948-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1948-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1949-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1949-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1950-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1950-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1951-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1951-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1952-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1952-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1953-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1953-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1953-08-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1954-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1954-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1954-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1955-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1955-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1956-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1956-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1957-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1957-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1958-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1958-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1959-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1959-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1960-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1960-09-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1961-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1961-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1962-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1962-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1963-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1963-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1964-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1964-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1964-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1964-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1965-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1965-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1966-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1966-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1967-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1967-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1968-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1968-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1969-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1969-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1970-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1970-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1971-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1971-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1971-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1972-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1972-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1973-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1973-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1973-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1974-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1974-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1975-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1975-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1976-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1976-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1977-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1977-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1978-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1978-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1979-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1979-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1980-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1980-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1981-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1981-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1982-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1982-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1982-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1982-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1983-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1983-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1984-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1984-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1985-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1985-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1986-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1986-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1987-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1987-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1988-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1988-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1989-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1989-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1990-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1990-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1991-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1991-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1992-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1992-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1992-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1993-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1993-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1994-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1994-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1995-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1995-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1996-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1996-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1997-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1997-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1998-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1998-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1999-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 1999-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2000-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2000-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2000-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2000-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2001-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2001-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2002-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2002-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2003-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2003-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2004-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2004-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2005-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2005-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2006-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2006-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2007-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2007-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2008-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2008-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2009-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2009-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2010-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2010-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2011-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2011-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2011-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2011-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2012-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2012-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2013-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2013-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2014-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2014-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2015-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2015-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2016-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2016-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2017-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2017-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2018-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2018-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2018-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2019-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2019-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2019-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2020-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2020-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2021-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2021-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2022-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2022-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2023-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2023-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2024-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2024-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2025-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2025-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2026-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2026-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2027-02-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2027-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2028-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2028-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2029-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2029-06-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2029-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2029-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2030-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2030-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2031-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2031-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2032-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2032-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2033-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2033-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2034-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2034-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2035-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2035-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2036-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2036-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2036-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2037-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2037-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2038-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2038-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2038-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2039-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2039-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2040-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2040-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2041-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2041-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2042-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2042-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2043-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2043-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2044-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2044-08-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2045-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2045-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2046-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2046-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2047-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2047-06-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2047-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2047-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2048-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2048-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2049-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2049-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2050-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2050-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2051-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2051-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2052-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2052-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2053-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2053-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2054-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2054-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2054-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2055-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2055-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2056-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2056-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2057-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2057-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2057-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2058-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2058-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2058-11-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2059-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2059-11-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2060-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2060-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2061-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2061-10-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2062-03-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2062-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2063-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2063-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2064-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2064-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2065-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2065-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2065-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2065-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2066-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2066-12-17 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2067-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2067-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2068-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2068-11-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2069-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2069-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2069-10-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2070-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2070-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2071-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2071-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2072-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2072-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2073-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2073-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2074-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2074-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2075-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2075-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2076-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2076-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2076-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2076-11-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2077-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2077-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2078-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2078-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2079-05-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2079-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2080-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2080-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2081-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2081-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2082-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2082-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2083-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2083-07-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2083-08-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2084-01-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2084-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2084-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2085-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2085-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2086-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2086-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2087-05-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2087-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2087-10-26 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2088-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2088-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2089-04-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2089-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2090-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2090-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2091-02-18 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2091-08-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2092-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2092-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2093-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2093-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2094-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2094-06-13 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2094-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2094-12-07 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2095-06-02 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2095-11-27 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2096-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2096-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2097-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2097-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2098-04-01 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2098-09-25 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2098-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2099-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2099-09-14 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2100-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland
- Visibility of the 2100-09-04 Solar Eclipse from Switzerland