FI Cities (sitemap)
List of cities used for astronomical data localization.
- Äänekoski
- Äetsä
- Ähtäri
- Akaa
- Alahärmä
- Alajärvi
- Alastaro
- Alastaro
- Alavieska
- Alavus
- Anjala
- Artjärvi
- Asikkala
- Askainen
- Askola
- Aura
- Auttoinen
- Bennäs
- Broby
- Dragsfjärd
- Ekenäs
- Elimäki
- Eno
- Enonkoski
- Enontekiö
- Espoo
- Eura
- Eurajoki
- Evijärvi
- Forssa
- Haapajärvi
- Haapavesi
- Hailuoto
- Halikko
- Halsua
- Hämeenkoski
- Hämeenkyrö
- Hämeenlinna
- Hamina
- Hankasalmi
- Hanko
- Harjavalta
- Hartola
- Hauho
- Haukipudas
- Haukivuori
- Hausjärvi
- Heinävesi
- Heinola
- Helsinki
- Himanka
- Hirvensalmi
- Hollola
- Hollola
- Honkajoki
- Houtskär
- Huittinen
- Humppila
- Hyrynsalmi
- Hyvinge
- Ii
- Iisalmi
- Iitti
- Ikaalinen
- Ilmajoki
- Ilomantsi
- Imatra
- Inari
- Ingå
- Iniö
- Isojoki
- Isokyrö
- Ivalo
- Jaala
- Jakobstad
- Jalasjärvi
- Jämijärvi
- Jämsä
- Jämsänkoski
- Janakkala
- Jäppilä
- Järvelä
- Järvenpää
- Joensuu
- Jokioinen
- Joroinen
- Joutsa
- Joutseno
- Juankoski
- Jurva
- Juuka
- Juupajoki
- Juva
- Jyväskylä
- Kaarina
- Kaavi
- Kajaani
- Kalajoki
- Kälviä
- Kalvola
- Kangasala
- Kangaslampi
- Kangasniemi
- Kankaanpää
- Kannonkoski
- Kannus
- Karhula
- Karijoki
- Karinainen
- Karis
- Karjalohja
- Karkkila
- Kärkölä
- Kärkölä
- Kärsämäki
- Karstula
- Karttula
- Karvia
- Karvia
- Kaskinen
- Kauhajoki
- Kauhava
- Kauniainen
- Kaustinen
- Keitele
- Kemi
- Kemijärvi
- Keminmaa
- Kempele
- Kerava
- Kerimäki
- Kesälahti
- Kestilä
- Keuruu
- Kihniö
- Kiihtelysvaara
- Kiikala
- Kiikoinen
- Kiiminki
- Kilo
- Kimito
- Kinnula
- Kinnula
- Kirkkonummi
- Kisko
- Kitee
- Kittilä
- Kiukainen
- Kiuruvesi
- Kivijärvi
- Kokemäki
- Kokkola
- Kolari
- Konnevesi
- Kontiolahti
- Korpilahti
- Korsholm
- Korsnäs
- Kortesjärvi
- Koski Tl
- Kotka
- Koukkuniemi
- Kouvola
- Köyliö
- Kristinestad
- Kronoby
- Kuhmalahti
- Kuhmo
- Kuhmoinen
- Kuivaniemi
- Kullaa
- Kuopio
- Kuortane
- Kurikka
- Kuru
- Kustavi
- Kuusamo
- Kuusjoki
- Kylmäkoski
- Kyrö
- Kyyjärvi
- Lahti
- Laihia
- Laitila
- Lammi
- Längelmäki
- Länsi-Turunmaa
- Lapinjärvi
- Lapinlahti
- Lappajärvi
- Lappeenranta
- Lappi
- Lapua
- Larsmo
- Laukaa
- Lavia
- Lehtimäki
- Leivonmäki
- Lemi
- Lempäälä
- Lemu
- Leppävirta
- Lestijärvi
- Lieksa
- Lieto
- Liljendal
- Liminka
- Liperi
- Lohja
- Lohtaja
- Loimaa
- Loppi
- Lovisa
- Luhanka
- Lumijoki
- Luopioinen
- Luumäki
- Luvia
- Maaninka
- Malax
- Mäntsälä
- Mänttä
- Mäntyharju
- Marttila
- Masku
- Mellilä
- Merijärvi
- Merikarvia
- Merimasku
- Miehikkälä
- Mietoinen
- Mikkeli
- Mouhijärvi
- Muhos
- Muhos
- Multia
- Muonio
- Muurame
- Muurla
- Mynämäki
- Myrskylä
- Naantali
- Nagu
- Nakkila
- Närpes
- Nastola
- Nickby
- Nilsiä
- Nivala
- Nokia
- Noormarkku
- Nousiainen
- Nuijamaa
- Nurmes
- Nurmijärvi
- Nurmo
- Nykarleby
- Oitti
- Oravais
- Orimattila
- Oripää
- Orivesi
- Otaniemi
- Oulainen
- Oulu
- Oulunsalo
- Outokumpu
- Padasjoki
- Paimio
- Pälkäne
- Paltamo
- Pargas
- Parikkala
- Parkano
- Parola
- Pedersöre
- Pelkosenniemi
- Pello
- Perho
- Pernå
- Perniö
- Pertteli
- Pertunmaa
- Petäjävesi
- Pieksämäki
- Pielavesi
- Pihtipudas
- Piikkiö
- Piippola
- Pirkkala
- Pohja
- Polvijärvi
- Pomarkku
- Pori
- Pornainen
- Porvoo
- Posio
- Pöytyä
- Pudasjärvi
- Pukkila
- Pulkkila
- Punkaharju
- Punkalaidun
- Puolanka
- Puumala
- Pyhäjärvi
- Pyhäjärvi
- Pyhäjoki
- Pyhäntä
- Pyhäranta
- Pyhäsalmi
- Pyhäselkä
- Pyhtää
- Pylkönmäki
- Raahe
- Rääkkylä
- Raisio
- Rantasalmi
- Rantsila
- Ranua
- Rauma
- Rautalampi
- Rautavaara
- Rautjärvi
- Reisjärvi
- Renko
- Replot
- Riihimäki
- Ristiina
- Ristijärvi
- Ristinummi
- Rovaniemi
- Ruokolahti
- Ruotsinpyhtää
- Ruovesi
- Rusko
- Ruukki
- Rymättylä
- Saari
- Saarijärvi
- Sahalahti
- Säkylä
- Salla
- Salo
- Sammatti
- Särkisalo
- Saukkola
- Sauvo
- Savitaipale
- Savonlinna
- Savonranta
- Savukoski
- Säynätsalo
- Seinäjoki
- Sibbo
- Sievi
- Siikainen
- Siikajoki
- Siilinjärvi
- Simo
- Simpele
- Siuntio
- Smedsby
- Sodankylä
- Soini
- Somero
- Sonkajärvi
- Sotkamo
- Sulkava
- Sumiainen
- Suodenniemi
- Suolahti
- Suomusjärvi
- Suomussalmi
- Suonenjoki
- Sysmä
- Taavetti
- Taipalsaari
- Taivalkoski
- Taivassalo
- Tammela
- Tampere
- Tarvasjoki
- Teekkarikylä
- Teeriniemi
- Tervakoski
- Tervo
- Tervola
- Teuva
- Tohmajärvi
- Toholampi
- Toijala
- Toivakka
- Tornio
- Töysä
- Turenki
- Turku
- Tuulos
- Tuupovaara
- Tuusniemi
- Tuusula
- Tyrnävä
- Ullava
- Ulvila
- Urjala
- Utajärvi
- Utsjoki
- Uurainen
- Uusikaupunki
- Vaala
- Vaasa
- Vähäkyrö
- Vahto
- Valkeakoski
- Valtimo
- Vammala
- Vampula
- Vantaa
- Varkaus
- Varpaisjärvi
- Västanfjärd
- Vehmaa
- Vehmersalmi
- Velkua
- Vesanto
- Vesilahti
- Veteli
- Vieremä
- Vihanti
- Vihti
- Viiala
- Viitasaari
- Viljakkala
- Vilppula
- Vimpeli
- Vinkkilä
- Virojoki
- Virolahti
- Virrat
- Virtasalmi
- Vörå
- Vuokatti
- Vuolijoki
- Ylämaa
- Yläne
- Yli-Ii
- Ylihärmä
- Ylikiiminki
- Ylistaro
- Ylitornio
- Ylivieska
- Ylöjärvi
- Ypäjä
Visibility of solar eclipses from this country
- Visibility of the 1901-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1901-11-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1902-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1902-05-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1902-10-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1903-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1903-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1904-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1904-09-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1905-03-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1905-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1906-02-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1906-07-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1906-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1907-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1907-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1908-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1908-06-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1908-12-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1909-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1909-12-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1910-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1910-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1911-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1911-10-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1912-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1912-10-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1913-04-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1913-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1913-09-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1914-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1914-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1915-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1915-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1916-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1916-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1916-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1917-01-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1917-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1917-07-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1917-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1918-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1918-12-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1919-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1919-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1920-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1920-11-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1921-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1921-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1922-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1922-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1923-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1923-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1924-03-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1924-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1924-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1925-01-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1925-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1926-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1926-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1927-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1927-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1927-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1928-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1928-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1928-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1929-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1929-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1930-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1930-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1931-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1931-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1931-10-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1932-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1932-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1933-02-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1933-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1934-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1934-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1935-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1935-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1935-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1935-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1935-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1936-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1936-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1937-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1937-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1938-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1938-11-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1939-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1939-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1940-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1940-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1941-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1941-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1942-03-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1942-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1942-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1943-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1943-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1944-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1944-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1945-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1945-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1946-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1946-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1946-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1946-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1947-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1947-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1948-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1948-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1949-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1949-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1950-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1950-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1951-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1951-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1952-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1952-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1953-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1953-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1953-08-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1954-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1954-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1954-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1955-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1955-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1956-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1956-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1957-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1957-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1958-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1958-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1959-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1959-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1960-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1960-09-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1961-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1961-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1962-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1962-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1963-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1963-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1964-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1964-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1964-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1964-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1965-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1965-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1966-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1966-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1967-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1967-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1968-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1968-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1969-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1969-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1970-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1970-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1971-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1971-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1971-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1972-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1972-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1973-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1973-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1973-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1974-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1974-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1975-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1975-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1976-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1976-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1977-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1977-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1978-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1978-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1979-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1979-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1980-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1980-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1981-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1981-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1982-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1982-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1982-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1982-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1983-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1983-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1984-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1984-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1985-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1985-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1986-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1986-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1987-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1987-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1988-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1988-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1989-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1989-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1990-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1990-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1991-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1991-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1992-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1992-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1992-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1993-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1993-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1994-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1994-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1995-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1995-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1996-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1996-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1997-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1997-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1998-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1998-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1999-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 1999-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2000-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2000-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2000-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2000-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2001-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2001-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2002-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2002-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2003-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2003-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2004-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2004-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2005-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2005-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2006-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2006-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2007-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2007-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2008-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2008-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2009-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2009-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2010-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2010-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2011-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2011-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2011-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2011-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2012-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2012-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2013-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2013-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2014-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2014-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2015-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2015-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2016-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2016-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2017-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2017-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2018-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2018-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2018-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2019-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2019-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2019-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2020-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2020-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2021-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2021-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2022-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2022-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2023-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2023-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2024-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2024-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2025-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2025-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2026-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2026-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2027-02-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2027-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2028-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2028-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2029-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2029-06-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2029-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2029-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2030-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2030-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2031-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2031-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2032-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2032-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2033-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2033-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2034-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2034-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2035-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2035-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2036-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2036-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2036-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2037-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2037-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2038-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2038-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2038-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2039-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2039-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2040-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2040-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2041-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2041-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2042-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2042-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2043-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2043-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2044-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2044-08-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2045-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2045-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2046-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2046-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2047-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2047-06-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2047-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2047-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2048-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2048-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2049-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2049-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2050-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2050-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2051-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2051-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2052-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2052-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2053-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2053-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2054-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2054-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2054-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2055-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2055-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2056-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2056-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2057-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2057-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2057-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2058-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2058-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2058-11-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2059-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2059-11-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2060-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2060-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2061-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2061-10-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2062-03-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2062-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2063-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2063-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2064-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2064-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2065-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2065-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2065-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2065-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2066-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2066-12-17 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2067-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2067-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2068-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2068-11-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2069-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2069-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2069-10-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2070-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2070-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2071-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2071-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2072-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2072-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2073-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2073-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2074-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2074-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2075-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2075-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2076-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2076-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2076-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2076-11-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2077-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2077-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2078-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2078-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2079-05-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2079-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2080-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2080-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2081-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2081-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2082-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2082-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2083-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2083-07-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2083-08-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2084-01-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2084-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2084-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2085-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2085-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2086-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2086-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2087-05-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2087-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2087-10-26 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2088-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2088-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2089-04-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2089-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2090-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2090-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2091-02-18 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2091-08-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2092-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2092-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2093-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2093-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2094-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2094-06-13 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2094-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2094-12-07 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2095-06-02 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2095-11-27 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2096-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2096-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2097-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2097-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2098-04-01 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2098-09-25 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2098-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2099-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2099-09-14 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2100-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Finland
- Visibility of the 2100-09-04 Solar Eclipse from Finland