TR Cities (sitemap)
List of cities used for astronomical data localization.
- Abana
- Acarlar
- Açıkdere
- Acıpayam
- Acıpınar
- Acırlı
- Adaklı
- Adala
- Adalan
- Adalar
- Adana
- Adapazarı
- Adilcevaz
- Adıyaman
- Afşin
- Afyonkarahisar
- Ağabeyli
- Ağaçlı
- Ağaçören
- Ağın
- Ağlasun
- Ağlı
- Ağrı
- Ahırlı
- Ahlat
- Ahmetli
- Ahmetli
- Akarsu
- Akarsu
- Akçaabat
- Akçadağ
- Akçakale
- Akçakent
- Akcakışla
- Akçakoca
- Akçaova
- Akçaova
- Akçapınar
- Akçasır
- Akçay
- Akdağ
- Akdağmadeni
- Akdere
- Akdiken
- Akhisar
- Akıncı
- Akıncılar
- Akıncılar
- Akkaya
- Akkent
- Akkışla
- Akköy
- Akköy
- Akkuş
- Akmeşe
- Akören
- Akpazar
- Akpınar
- Akpınar
- Aksakal
- Akşar
- Akşar
- Aksaray
- Akşehir
- Akseki
- Aksu
- Aksu
- Aksu
- Aktepe
- Aktuzla
- Akyaka
- Akyazı
- Akyurt
- Akziyaret
- Alaca
- Alacahan
- Alacakaya
- Alaçam
- Alaçatı
- Aladağ
- Alakamış
- Alanya
- Alanyurt
- Alaplı
- Alaşehir
- Albayrak
- Aliağa
- Alıcık
- Almus
- Alpköy
- Alpu
- Altınekin
- Altınkum
- Altınoluk
- Altınova
- Altınova
- Altıntaş
- Altınyaka
- Altınyayla
- Altınyayla
- Altpınar
- Altunhisar
- Alucra
- Amasra
- Amasya
- Ambar
- Anamas
- Anamur
- Anayazı
- Andaç
- Andırın
- Ankara
- Antakya
- Antalya
- Araban
- Araç
- Araklı
- Aralık
- Aralık
- Aran
- Arapgir
- Aras
- Ardahan
- Ardanuç
- Ardeşen
- Argıthanı
- Arguvan
- Arhavi
- Arıcak
- Arıköy
- Arıt
- Armutlu
- Armutlu
- Arpaçay
- Arsin
- Arslanköy
- Arsuz
- Artova
- Artvin
- Aşağı Beğdeş
- Aşağı Irmaklar
- Aşağı Karafakılı
- Aşağıçiğil
- Aşağıokçular
- Aşağıpınarbaşı
- Asarcık
- Ashuta
- Aşkale
- Aşkale
- Aslanapa
- Atabey
- Ataşehir
- Atburgazı
- Atça
- Atkaracalar
- Avanos
- Avine
- Aviski
- Avsallar
- Ayancık
- Ayaş
- Aybastı
- Aydın
- Aydıncık
- Aydıncık
- Aydınkonak
- Aydınlar
- Aydıntepe
- Ayrancı
- Ayvacık
- Ayvacık
- Ayvalık
- Azdavay
- Babadağ
- Babaeski
- Babatorun
- Bademli
- Bafra
- Bağarası
- Bağcılar
- Bağdere
- Bağkonak
- Bağlar
- Bağlıca
- Bağlıca
- Bağlıca
- Bağpınar
- Bahçe
- Bahçecik
- Bahçelievler
- Bahçesaray
- Bahşili
- Bakacak
- Bakırdağı
- Baklan
- Bala
- Balaban
- Balarim
- Balcı
- Balçık
- Balıkesir
- Balıklıçeşme
- Balıklıdere
- Balışeyh
- Ballı
- Ballı
- Balpayam
- Balpınar
- Balveren
- Balya
- Banarlı
- Banaz
- Bandırma
- Baraniferho
- Barıştepe
- Barla
- Bartın
- Başakşehir
- Başaran
- Başçiftlik
- Başgedikler
- Başkale
- Başkavak
- Baskil
- Başköy
- Başmakçı
- Başpınar
- Başyayla
- Başyurt
- Batikent
- Batman
- Battalgazi
- Bayat
- Bayat
- Bayburt
- Bayındır
- Bayır
- Baykan
- Bayramiç
- Bayramören
- Becuh
- Bedirli
- Beğendik
- Behram
- Bekilli
- Bekirhan
- Belek
- Belen
- Belevi
- Belören
- Belören
- Belören
- Bereketli
- Bergama
- Beşikdüzü
- Beşiri
- Beşkonak
- Besni
- Beşpınar
- Beşpınar
- Beyağaç
- Beyazköy
- Beyçayırı
- Beyçayırı
- Beycuma
- Beydili
- Beykonak
- Beylikdüzü
- Beylikova
- Beypazarı
- Beypınarı
- Beyşehir
- Beytüşşebap
- Beyviran
- Biga
- Bigadiç
- Bilecik
- Binatlı
- Bingöl
- Birecik
- Birgi
- Bisbin
- Bismil
- Bitlis
- Bodrum
- Boğaziçi
- Boğazkale
- Boğazkaya
- Boğazkent
- Boğazlıyan
- Boğazören
- Böğürtlen
- Bolaman
- Bolayır
- Bölme
- Bolu
- Bolvadin
- Bor
- Borçka
- Borlu
- Bornova
- Bostancı
- Boyabat
- Boyalı
- Boyalıca
- Boyalık
- Boynuyoğun
- Bozalan
- Bozan
- Bozarmut
- Bozburun
- Bozcaada
- Bozdoğan
- Bozkır
- Bozkurt
- Bozkurt
- Bozoğlak
- Bozova
- Bozova
- Boztepe
- Boztepe
- Bozüyük
- Bozyazı
- Buca
- Bucak
- Bucak
- Bucakkışla
- Buğdaylı
- Buharkent
- Bulancak
- Bulanık
- Buldan
- Bulucan
- Bünyan
- Burç
- Burdur
- Burhaniye
- Bursa
- Büyük Dalyan
- Büyükçat
- Büyükçavuşlu
- Büyükçekmece
- Büyükkarıştıran
- Büyükköy
- Büyükorhan
- Çağış
- Çağlarca
- Çağlayan
- Çağlayan
- Çağlayancerit
- Çakıralan
- Çakırbeyli
- Çakırca
- Çakırlar
- Çakırlı
- Çal
- Çaldıran
- Çalı
- Çalışkan
- Çalpınar
- Çaltılıbük
- Çamardı
- Çamaş
- Çameli
- Çamiçi
- Camili
- Çamlıbel
- Çamlıdere
- Çamlıdere
- Çamlıhemşin
- Çamlıkaya
- Çamlıyayla
- Çamoluk
- Çan
- Çan
- Çanakçı
- Çanakkale
- Çandarlı
- Çandır
- Çandır
- Çankaya
- Çanta
- Çardak
- Çardak
- Çardaklı
- Çarşamba
- Çat
- Çatak
- Çatalan
- Çatalarmut
- Çatalca
- Çatalçam
- Çatalhöyük
- Çatalpınar
- Çatalzeytin
- Çavdarhisar
- Çavdır
- Çavuş
- Çavuşlu
- Çay
- Çaybağı
- Çaybaşı
- Çaycuma
- Çayeli
- Çayıralan
- Çayırhan
- Çayırkent
- Çaykara
- Çaylar
- Çaylarbaşı
- Çaylı
- Çekerek
- Celâliye
- Celâlli
- Çelebi
- Celeyke
- Çelikhan
- Çeltik
- Çeltikçi
- Çeltikçi
- Cemilbey
- Çemişgezek
- Cengerli
- Çerçiler
- Çerkeş
- Çerkezköy
- Çermik
- Cerrah
- Çeşme
- Çetinkaya
- Cevizli
- Cevizlik
- Çevrimova
- Ceyhan
- Ceylanpınar
- Chekmejeh
- Çiçekli
- Cide
- Çiftehan
- Çifteler
- Çiftlik
- Çiftlik
- Çiftlikköy
- Çiğil
- Cihanbeyli
- Çilimli
- Cimin
- Çınar
- Çınaraltı
- Çınarcık
- Cinatamiho
- Çine
- Çıplak
- Çırçır
- Çırpı
- Çırtıman
- Civankan
- Çivril
- Cizre
- Çobanlar
- Çokak
- Çolaklı
- Çöpköy
- Çorlu
- Çorum
- Çubuk
- Çukurca
- Cumaçay
- Cumayeri
- Çumra
- Çüngüş
- Daday
- Dağardı
- Dağbaşı
- Dağbeli
- Dağkızılca
- Dağlıca
- Dağyolu
- Dalama
- Dalaman
- Dallıbahçe
- Dalyan
- Damal
- Dambaslar
- Damlacık
- Danişment
- Danişment
- Darende
- Dargeçit
- Darıca
- Darıca
- Darıkent
- Datça
- Davulga
- Davutlar
- Dazkırı
- Dedeköy
- Dedeli
- Değirmendere
- Değirmendere
- Deliçay
- Delice
- Deliktaş
- Demirci
- Demirci
- Demirkent
- Demirtaş
- Demirtaş
- Demiryol
- Demre
- Demre
- Denizciler
- Denizgiren
- Denizli
- Derbent
- Derbent
- Dere
- Derebucak
- Derecik
- Dereköy
- Dereli
- Dereova
- Derepazarı
- Dereyanı
- Derik
- Derince
- Derinkuyu
- Dernekpazarı
- Destek
- Devecikonağı
- Develi
- Devrek
- Devrekani
- Dicle
- Dicle
- Didim
- Digor
- Dikbıyık
- Dikili
- Dikmen
- Dilektepe
- Dimetoka
- Dinar
- Dinek
- Direkli
- Divriği
- Diyadin
- Diyarbakır
- Dobada
- Dodurga
- Dodurga
- Doğanbey
- Doğanbeyli
- Doğanca
- Doğançay
- Doğanhisar
- Doğankavak
- Doğankent
- Doğankent
- Doğanköy
- Doğanpınar
- Doğanşar
- Doğanşehir
- Doğansu
- Doğantepe
- Doğanyol
- Doğanyurt
- Doğanyurt
- Doğruyol
- Doğubayazıt
- Dökmetepe
- Dokurcun
- Domaniç
- Dombay
- Döngel
- Dörtdivan
- Dörtyol
- Doruklu
- Dorumali
- Dorutay
- Döşemealtı
- Dumlu
- Dumlupınar
- Durağan
- Durak
- Dursunbey
- Dursunlu
- Duruca
- Durusu
- Dutluca
- Düvertepe
- Düzce
- Düzköy
- Düzova
- Ebish
- Eceabat
- Edincik
- Edirne
- Edremit
- Edremit
- Eflani
- Eğerci
- Eğil
- Eğirdir
- Eksere
- Elazığ
- Elbaşı
- Elbeyli
- Elbeyli
- Elbistan
- Eldivan
- Eleşkirt
- Elmadağ
- Elmalı
- Elmalıdere
- Elvanlı
- Emet
- Eminönü
- Emiralem
- Emirbey
- Emirdağ
- Emirgazi
- Emrutabat
- Enez
- Erbaa
- Erçek
- Erciş
- Erdek
- Erdemli
- Ereğli
- Ereğli
- Erentepe
- Erfelek
- Ergama
- Ergani
- Erkilet
- Erköklü
- Ermenek
- Ertuğrul
- Eruh
- Erzin
- Erzincan
- Erzurum
- Eşen
- Esençay
- Esendere
- Esenler
- Esenyurt
- Esiroğlu
- Eskil
- Eskipazar
- Eskişehir
- Eşme
- Eşme
- Espiye
- Etili
- Etimesgut
- Evciler
- Evciler
- Evren
- Evren
- Evreşe
- Eymir
- Eymirli
- Eynesil
- Ezine
- Ezinepazarı
- Fatikli
- Fatsa
- Feke
- Felahiye
- Ferizli
- Fethiye
- Fevzipaşa
- Fındık
- Fındıklı
- Finike
- Foça
- Gaziantep
- Gaziemir
- Gaziler
- Gaziler
- Gazipaşa
- Gebiz
- Gebze
- Geçitli
- Gedikbaşı
- Gedikler
- Gediksaray
- Gediz
- Gelegra
- Gelembe
- Gelendost
- Gelibolu
- Gelinkaya
- Gemerek
- Gemlik
- Genç
- Gencek
- Gerdzhyush
- Gerede
- Gerger
- Gerger
- Geriş
- Germencik
- Gerze
- Gesi
- Geulzuk
- Gevaş
- Geyikli
- Geyikpınarı
- Geyve
- Giresun
- Girikbedro
- Girmeli
- Göbel
- Göçbeyli
- Göcek
- Gökbudak
- Gökçeada
- Gökçebey
- Gökçedağ
- Gökçekent
- Gökçekoru
- Gökçeli
- Gökçen
- Gökçesu
- Gökdere
- Gökdere
- Gökoğlan
- Göksu
- Göksun
- Göktepe
- Göktepe
- Gölbaşı
- Gölbaşı
- Gölcük
- Göldüzü
- Gölgelikonak
- Gölhisar
- Gölköy
- Göllü
- Gölmarmara
- Gölova
- Gölova
- Gölpazarı
- Gölyaka
- Gönen
- Gönen
- Gördes
- Görele
- Göreme
- Görükle
- Göynücek
- Göynük
- Göynük
- Göynük
- Gözeli
- Gözler
- Gözne
- Gözpınar
- Gözyeri
- Güce
- Gücük
- Güdül
- Gülağaç
- Güleçler
- Güllü
- Gülnar
- Gülpınar
- Gülşehir
- Gülveren
- Gülyalı
- Gümüş
- Gümüşakar
- Gümüşgöze
- Gümüşhacıköy
- Gumushkhane
- Gümüşova
- Gündoğdu
- Gündoğdu
- Güneren
- Güney
- Güneyce
- Güneysınır
- Güneysu
- güngören merter
- Günyazı
- Günyüzü
- Güre
- Gürgentepe
- Güroymak
- Gürpınar
- Gürpınar
- Gürsu
- Gürün
- Güvem
- Güzelbağ
- Güzelköy
- Güzeloluk
- Güzelsu
- Güzelsu
- Güzelyurt
- Gyundyukoru
- Gyuvench
- Haberli
- Hacıbektaş
- Hacıhamza
- Hacılar
- Hacıpaşa
- Hadim
- Hafik
- Hakkari
- Halfeti
- Halıdere
- Halilçavuş
- Halitpaşa
- Halkapınar
- Hamamözü
- Hamdibey
- Hamidiye
- Hamur
- Hamzabey
- Hamzalı
- Han
- Han
- Hanak
- Hani
- Hankendi
- Hanönü
- Harbiye
- Harmancık
- Harmanlı
- Harput
- Harran
- Haruniye
- Hasanbeyli
- Hasançelebi
- Hasankeyf
- Hasayaz
- Hasbek
- Hasköy
- Hasköy
- Hasköy
- Hassa
- Hatip
- Hatunsaray
- Havran
- Havsa
- Havza
- Haydarlı
- Haymana
- Hayrabolu
- Hayrat
- Hazar
- Hazekyan
- Hazro
- Hekimdağ
- Hekimhan
- Helaldı
- Hemşin
- Hendek
- Hereke
- Hıdırbaba
- Hıdırbey
- Hilal
- Hilvan
- Himmetdede
- Hınıs
- Hisarcık
- Hisarköy
- Hizan
- Hocalar
- Homa
- Honaz
- Hopa
- Horasan
- Horsunlu
- Hotamış
- Hozat
- Hüyük
- İbradı
- İbriktepe
- İçme
- İçmeler
- İdil
- Iğdır
- İğdir
- İğdir
- İğneada
- İhsangazi
- İhsaniye
- İhsaniye
- İkizce
- İkizce
- İkizce
- İkizdere
- İkizören
- Ilgaz
- Ilgın
- İliç
- Ilıca
- Ilıca
- Ilıcalar
- Ilıcalar
- İlyaslı
- İmamoğlu
- İmranlı
- İncesu
- İncirliova
- İnebolu
- İnece
- İnecik
- Inegol
- İnhisar
- İnönü
- İnönü
- İntepe
- İpsala
- İsabeyli
- İscehisar
- İshaklı
- Işıklar
- Işıklar
- İskenderun
- İskilip
- İslâhiye
- Isparta
- İspir
- İstanbul
- İvrindi
- İyidere
- İzmir
- İzmit
- İznik
- Kabadüz
- Kabahaydar
- Kabala
- Kabalı
- Kabataş
- Kadıköy
- Kadınhanı
- Kadirli
- Kadışehri
- Kağızman
- Kahramanmaraş
- Kâhta
- Kale
- Kale
- Kale
- Kale
- Kalecik
- Kalkan
- Kalkandere
- Kalkım
- Kaman
- Kâmil
- Kamışlı
- Kandilli
- Kandıra
- Kangal
- Kanlıavşar
- Kaptanpaşa
- Karaağıl
- Karabağlar
- Karabiga
- Karabük
- Karabulduk
- Karaburun
- Karacabey
- Karacadağ
- Karacaköy
- Karacaköy
- Karacaören
- Karacasu
- Karaçay
- Karaçoban
- Karadere
- Karadirek
- Karahallı
- Karahan
- Karahasanlı
- Karaisalı
- Karakasım
- Karakeçi
- Karakeçili
- Karakoçan
- Karaköprü
- Karaköy
- Karakoyunlu
- Karakurt
- Karalar
- Karaman
- Karamanlı
- Karamürsel
- Karaoğlan
- Karaoğlanlı
- Karaova
- Karapınar
- Karapürçek
- Karaşar
- Karasu
- Karasu
- Karasüleymanlı
- Karataş
- Karatoprak
- Karaurgan
- Karayaka
- Karayazı
- Karayün
- Kargı
- Kargı
- Karıncalı
- Karkamış
- Karlıova
- Karpuzlu
- Kars
- Karsani
- Karşıyaka
- Kaş
- Kasaba
- Kasımlar
- Kastal
- Kastamonu
- Kavacık
- Kavak
- Kavak
- Kavakbaşı
- Kavaklı
- Kavaklıdere
- Kavsan
- Kayabağlar
- Kayacık
- Kayadibi
- Kayalıpınar
- Kayapa
- Kayapınar
- Kaymakçı
- Kaymaz
- Kaymaz
- Kaynakkaya
- Kaynar
- Kaynarca
- Kaynaşlı
- Kaypak
- Kayseri
- Kaytazdere
- Kazan
- Kazancı
- Kazancı
- Kazanlı
- Kazımkarabekir
- Kazımpaşa
- Keban
- Keçiborlu
- Kelekçi
- Keles
- Kelkit
- Kemah
- Kemaliye
- Kemalpaşa
- Kemalpaşa
- Kemer
- Kemer
- Kemer
- Kemerburgaz
- Kemerhisar
- Kepsut
- Kerh
- Keşan
- Keşap
- Keskin
- Kestel
- Keysun
- Khanjarah
- Kıbrıscık
- Kılavuz
- Kılbasan
- Kılıç
- Kılıçkaya
- Kilimli
- Kilis
- Kınalı
- Kindirip
- Kınık
- Kiraz
- Kirazlı
- Kirazlı
- Kırcasalih
- Kireç
- Kırık
- Kırıkhan
- Kırıkkale
- Kırka
- Kırkağaç
- Kırkgeçit
- Kırklareli
- Kırobası
- Kırşehir
- Kışlak
- Kışlaköy
- Kiulukioi
- Kızılağaç
- Kızılağaç
- Kızılcabölük
- Kızılcadağ
- Kızılcahamam
- Kızılcasöğüt
- Kızılin
- Kızılırmak
- Kızılkaya
- Kızılören
- Kızılören
- Kızılsu
- Kızıltepe
- Kızılyaka
- Kocaali
- Kocaaliler
- Kocadere
- Kocahasanlı
- Kocakoç
- Kocaköy
- Koçali
- Kocapınar
- Koçarlı
- Kocasinan
- Kocatepe
- Kofçaz
- Kolay
- Kömürlü
- Konaklı
- Konakpınar
- Konakpınar
- Konalga
- Konuralp
- Konya
- Köprübaşı
- Köprübaşı
- Köprübaşı
- Köprüköy
- Köprülü
- Köprüören
- Körfez
- Korgan
- Korgun
- Korkut
- Korkuteli
- Korucu
- Koruköy
- Köse
- Kösefakılı
- Köseköy
- Köseli
- Köşk
- Kösreli
- Kötek
- Kotum
- Kovancılar
- Kovanlık
- Koyulhisar
- Koyunluca
- Kozak
- Kozaklı
- Kozaklı
- Kozan
- Kozcağız
- Kozlu
- Kozlu
- Kozluk
- Küçükdere
- Küçükkendirci
- Küçükkumla
- Küçükkuyu
- Kula
- Kullar
- Kulp
- Kulu
- Kuluncak
- Kumbağ
- Kumburgaz
- Kumçatı
- Kumdanlı
- Kumköy
- Kumlu
- Kumlu
- Kumluca
- Kumluca
- Kumru
- Küplü
- Küplü
- Küre
- Kürecik
- Kurşunlu
- Kurşunlu
- Kurşunlu
- Kurtalan
- Kurthasanlı
- Kurtkale
- Kürtün
- Kurucaşile
- Kuruçay
- Kuşadası
- Kuşkayası
- Kuşsarayı
- Kütahya
- Kutlubey
- Kuyucak
- Kuyucak
- Kuyulusebil
- Kuzeytepe
- Kuzucubelen
- Kuzyaka
- Laçin
- Ladik
- Lâlapaşa
- Lâpseki
- Levent
- Lice
- Lodi
- Luleburgaz
- Maçka
- Maden
- Maden
- Mağaralı
- Mahmudiye
- Mahmudiye
- Mahmut Şevket Paşa
- Mahmutbey
- Mahmutlar
- Mahmutlar
- Malabadi
- Malatya
- Malazgirt
- Malkara
- Maltepe
- Mamak
- Manavgat
- Manisa
- Mans
- Mansurlu
- Manyas
- Mardin
- Marmara
- Marmara Ereğlisi
- Marmaracık
- Marmaris
- Mazgirt
- Mazıdağı
- Mecidiye
- Mecidiye
- Mecitözü
- Melefan
- Melikgazi
- Menderes
- Menemen
- Mengen
- Menye
- Meram
- Mercimekkale
- Mercin
- Merdinik
- Meriç
- merter keresteciler
- Merzifon
- Mesudiye
- Meydan
- Meydancık
- Meydankapı
- Mezitli
- Mezraa
- Mezraa
- Mezraa
- Midyat
- Mihalgazi
- Mihalıçcık
- Milas
- Mimarsinan
- Minare
- Misli
- Mollafeneri
- Mollakendi
- Mordoğan
- Mucur
- Mudanya
- Mudurnu
- Muğla
- Muncusun
- Muradiye
- Muradiye
- Murat
- Muratbey
- Muratlı
- Muratlı
- Muratlı
- Murgul
- Mursal
- Mürşitpınar
- Muş
- Musabeyli
- Musabeyli
- Mustafakemalpaşa
- Mut
- Mutki
- Nallıhan
- Narince
- Narlı
- Narlı
- Narlıca
- Narlıdere
- Narman
- Nazilli
- Nazimiye
- Nefsipiraziz
- Nevşehir
- Niğde
- Nikfer
- Niksar
- Nilüfer
- Nizip
- Nurdağı
- Nurettin
- Nurettin
- Nurhak
- Nurluca
- Nusaybin
- Obruk
- Ödemiş
- Of
- Öğdem
- Oğuz
- Oğuz
- Oğuz
- Oğuzeli
- Oğuzlar
- Okçular
- Okurcalar
- Oltu
- Ölüdeniz
- Olur
- Ömerköy
- Ömerli
- Öncül
- Ondokuzmayıs
- Ordu
- Ören
- Örencik
- Örenşehir
- Orhaneli
- Orhangazi
- Ormanlı
- Orta
- Ortabağ
- Ortaca
- Ortaca
- Ortacalar
- Ortakent
- Ortaklar
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortaköy
- Ortyakent Yahşi
- Osmancalı
- Osmancık
- Osmaneli
- Osmangazi
- Osmaniye
- Osmanpaşa
- Otlukbeli
- Ovabağ
- Ovacık
- Ovacık
- Ovacık
- Ovacık
- Ovacık
- Ovacuma
- Ovakavağı
- Ovakent
- Ovakışla
- Oyalı
- Oymaklı
- Oymataş
- Özalp
- Özbek
- Özdere
- Özonak
- Özpınar
- Özvatan
- Palamutlu
- Palu
- Pamukkale
- Pamukören
- Pamukova
- Pasinler
- Patnos
- Pavlu Cebel
- Payallar
- Payamlı
- Pazar
- Pazar
- Pazar
- Pazarcık
- Pazarköy
- Pazarköy
- Pazarlar
- Pazarören
- Pazaryeri
- Pazaryolu
- Peçenek
- Pehlivanköy
- Pekmezli
- Pendik
- Perşembe
- Perşembe
- Pertek
- Pervari
- Pınarbaşı
- Pınarbaşı
- Pınarbaşı
- Pınardere
- Pınarhisar
- Pınarlar
- Piraziz
- Polateli
- Polatlı
- Posof
- Poyraz
- Pozantı
- Pulumer
- Pulur
- Razvaliny Ayinvan
- Refahiye
- Reis
- Reşadiye
- Reşadiye
- Reshidi
- Reyhanlı
- Rize
- Şabanözü
- Sabuncu
- Safranbolu
- Sağkaya
- Şahin
- Şahinbey
- Saimbeyli
- Sakçagöz
- Salanda
- Salat
- Salavatlı
- Salihli
- Salıpazarı
- Salmanlı
- Salmydessus
- Şalpazarı
- Saltukova
- Samandağ
- Samandıra
- Samankaya
- Şambayat
- Şamlı
- Samsat
- Samsun
- Sancak
- Sancaktepe
- Sandıklı
- Şanlıurfa
- Sapanca
- Şaphane
- Saray
- Saray
- Saraycık
- Saraydüzü
- Saraykent
- Sarayköy
- Sarayönü
- Sarıbeyler
- Sarıbuğday
- Sarıcakaya
- Sarigerme
- Sarıgöl
- Sarıkamış
- Sarıkavak
- Sarıkaya
- Sarıkemer
- Sarıkonak
- Sarıköy
- Sarıoğlan
- Sarısu
- Sarıveliler
- Sarıyahşi
- Sarız
- Şarkîkaraağaç
- Şarkışla
- Şarköy
- Saruhanlı
- Sason
- Savaştepe
- Savcılı
- Şavşat
- Savur
- Seben
- Şebinkarahisar
- Şefaatli
- Seferhisar
- Şehit Nusretbey
- Şehitkamil
- Şekerli
- Seki
- Sekili
- Seksenören
- Selah
- Selçikler
- Selçuk
- Selçuklu
- Selendi
- Selim
- Selimiye
- Selimpaşa
- Şemdinli
- Senirkent
- Şenkaya
- Şenköy
- Şenoba
- Şenocak
- Şenpazar
- Şenyurt
- Şenyurt
- Şerefiye
- Şereflikoçhisar
- Sergen
- Serhatta
- Seri
- Serik
- Serinhisar
- Serinyol
- Serkan
- Servi
- Sevinç
- Şevketiye
- Seydiler
- Seydim
- Seydişehir
- Seyhan
- Şeyhli
- Seyitgazi
- Seyitler
- Side
- Siirt
- Şile
- Silifke
- Silivri
- Sille
- Silopi
- Silvan
- Simav
- Simek
- Simos
- Sinanköy
- Sincan
- Sincanlı
- Sincik
- Sındırgı
- Sinekçi
- Sinekli
- Sinop
- Şiran
- Şırnak
- Sırpsındığı
- Şirvan
- Şişli
- Sivas
- Sivaslı
- Siverek
- Sivrice
- Sivrice
- Sivrihisar
- Skefe
- Söğüt
- Söğütlü
- Söğütlü
- Söke
- Soldere
- Solhan
- Sölöz
- Soma
- Sorgun
- Söylemez
- Şuhut
- Sulak
- Sulak
- Sulakyurt
- Süleymanlı
- Sultanbeyli
- Sultandağı
- Sultangazi
- Sultanhanı
- Sultanhisar
- Sultanköy
- Suluçem
- Sülüklü
- Suluova
- Sulusaray
- Sumbas
- Sungurlu
- Sur
- Sürgü
- Sürmene
- Suruç
- Suşehri
- Susurluk
- Susuz
- Susuzmüsellim
- Sütlüce
- Suvarlı
- Tacir
- Taflan
- Tahir
- Tahtaköprü
- Talas
- Taliban
- Tanır
- Tanyeri
- Taraklı
- Taraksu
- Tarsus
- Taşağıl
- Taşburun
- Taşdelen
- Taşkent
- Taşköprü
- Taşköprü
- Taşlı
- Taşlıçay
- Taşova
- Taşpınar
- Taşucu
- Tatarlar
- Tatkavaklı
- Tatvan
- Tavas
- Tavşancıl
- Tavşanlı
- Tavşanlı
- Tecirli
- Tefenni
- Teffi
- Teke
- Tekirdağ
- Tekirova
- Tekke
- Tekkeköy
- Tekkiraz
- Tekman
- Telminar
- Temelli
- Tepe
- Tepealtı
- Tepebaşı
- Tepecik
- Tepecik
- Tepecikören
- Tepehan
- Tepehan
- Tercan
- Termal
- Terme
- Tieum
- Tilfetis
- Tililan
- Tillo
- Timar
- Tire
- Tirebolu
- Tokat
- Toklar
- Tomarza
- Tömük
- Tonya
- Topaklı
- Topçam
- Toprakkale
- Toptepe
- Torbalı
- Tortum
- Torul
- Tosya
- Toygarlı
- Trabzon
- Tufanbeyli
- Tunceli
- Turanlı
- Turgut
- Turgut
- Turgutlu
- Turgutreis
- Turhal
- Türkeli
- Türkler
- Türkoğlu
- Turluk
- Turunçova
- Tut
- Tutak
- Tütüncü
- Tuzla
- Tuzluca
- Tuzlukçu
- Üçdam
- Üçpınar
- Üçpınar
- Uğurludağ
- Ula
- Ulaş
- Ulaşlı
- Ulubey
- Ulubey
- Uluborlu
- Uludere
- Ulukışla
- Ulus
- Uluyatır
- Umraniye
- Umraniye
- Umurbey
- Umurbey
- Umurlu
- Ünye
- Urgub
- Urla
- Uruş
- Uşak
- Üsküdar
- Üsküp
- Üzümlü
- Uzunbağ
- Uzundere
- Uzungeçit
- Uzungöl
- Uzunisa
- Uzunkavak
- Uzunköprü
- Uzunkuyu
- Vakfıkebir
- Van
- Varto
- Veliköy
- Velimeşe
- Vezirhan
- Vezirköprü
- Viranşehir
- Vize
- Yağcılar
- Yağlıdere
- Yağlıdere
- Yağmurdere
- Yahşihan
- Yahyalı
- Yakacık
- Yakakent
- Yakapınar
- Yakuplu
- Yalakdere
- Yalangöz
- Yalıhüyük
- Yalınca
- Yalıntaş
- Yalnızçam
- Yalova
- Yalvaç
- Yamaç
- Yanarsu
- Yaniklar
- Yaprakbaşı
- Yapraklı
- Yarbasan
- Yardımcı
- Yarhisar
- Yarma
- Yarpuz
- Yarpuzlu
- Yatağan
- Yavu
- Yavuzeli
- Yavuzkemal
- Yaydere
- Yaygın
- Yayla
- Yayladağı
- Yayladere
- Yaylak
- Yaylı
- Yayvantepe
- Yazıhan
- Yazyurdu
- Yedisu
- Yeditepe
- Yemişli
- Yenibaşak
- Yeniçağa
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenice
- Yenicekale
- Yeniceoba
- Yenifakılı
- Yenifoça
- Yenikonak
- Yeniköy
- Yeniköy
- Yeniköy
- Yeniköy
- Yenimehmetli
- Yenipazar
- Yenipazar
- Yenipazar
- Yenipınar
- Yenişakran
- Yenişarbademli
- Yenişehir
- Yenişehir
- Yenisu
- Yerkesik
- Yerköy
- Yeşilalan
- Yeşilce
- Yeşildere
- Yeşildere
- Yeşilhisar
- Yeşilli
- Yeşilova
- Yeşilova
- Yeşilüzümlü
- Yeşilvadi
- Yeşilyazı
- Yeşilyurt
- Yeşilyurt
- Yeşilyurt
- Yeşilyurt
- Yeşilyurt
- Yığılca
- Yiğitler
- Yiğityolu
- Yiğityolu
- Yıldırım
- Yıldızeli
- Yoğun
- Yoğuntaş
- Yolağzı
- Yolbaşı
- Yolboyu
- Yomra
- Yoncalı
- Yozgat
- Yücebağ
- Yukarı Taşyalak
- Yüksekova
- Yumurtalık
- Yumurtalık
- Yunak
- Yuntdağ
- Yüreğir
- Yürük
- Yusufeli
- Yuvacık
- Zara
- Zeytinbağı
- Zeytinburnu
- Zeytindağ
- Zeytinlik
- Zeytinliova
- Zigopor
- Zile
- Zonguldak
- Zurzuna
Visibility of solar eclipses from this country
- Visibility of the 1901-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1901-11-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1902-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1902-05-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1902-10-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1903-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1903-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1904-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1904-09-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1905-03-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1905-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1906-02-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1906-07-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1906-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1907-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1907-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1908-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1908-06-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1908-12-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1909-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1909-12-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1910-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1910-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1911-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1911-10-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1912-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1912-10-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1913-04-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1913-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1913-09-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1914-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1914-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1915-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1915-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1916-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1916-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1916-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1917-01-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1917-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1917-07-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1917-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1918-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1918-12-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1919-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1919-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1920-05-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1920-11-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1921-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1921-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1922-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1922-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1923-03-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1923-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1924-03-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1924-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1924-08-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1925-01-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1925-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1926-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1926-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1927-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1927-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1927-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1928-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1928-06-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1928-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1929-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1929-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1930-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1930-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1931-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1931-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1931-10-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1932-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1932-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1933-02-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1933-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1934-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1934-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1935-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1935-02-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1935-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1935-07-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1935-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1936-06-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1936-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1937-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1937-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1938-05-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1938-11-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1939-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1939-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1940-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1940-10-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1941-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1941-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1942-03-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1942-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1942-09-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1943-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1943-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1944-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1944-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1945-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1945-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1946-01-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1946-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1946-06-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1946-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1947-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1947-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1948-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1948-11-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1949-04-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1949-10-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1950-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1950-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1951-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1951-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1952-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1952-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1953-02-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1953-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1953-08-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1954-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1954-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1954-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1955-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1955-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1956-06-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1956-12-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1957-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1957-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1958-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1958-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1959-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1959-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1960-03-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1960-09-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1961-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1961-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1962-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1962-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1963-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1963-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1964-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1964-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1964-07-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1964-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1965-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1965-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1966-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1966-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1967-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1967-11-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1968-03-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1968-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1969-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1969-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1970-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1970-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1971-02-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1971-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1971-08-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1972-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1972-07-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1973-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1973-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1973-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1974-06-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1974-12-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1975-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1975-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1976-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1976-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1977-04-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1977-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1978-04-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1978-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1979-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1979-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1980-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1980-08-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1981-02-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1981-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1982-01-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1982-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1982-07-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1982-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1983-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1983-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1984-05-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1984-11-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1985-05-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1985-11-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1986-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1986-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1987-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1987-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1988-03-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1988-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1989-03-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1989-08-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1990-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1990-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1991-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1991-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1992-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1992-06-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1992-12-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1993-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1993-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1994-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1994-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1995-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1995-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1996-04-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1996-10-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1997-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1997-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1998-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1998-08-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1999-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 1999-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2000-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2000-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2000-07-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2000-12-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2001-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2001-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2002-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2002-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2003-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2003-11-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2004-04-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2004-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2005-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2005-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2006-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2006-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2007-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2007-09-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2008-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2008-08-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2009-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2009-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2010-01-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2010-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2011-01-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2011-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2011-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2011-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2012-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2012-11-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2013-05-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2013-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2014-04-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2014-10-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2015-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2015-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2016-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2016-09-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2017-02-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2017-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2018-02-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2018-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2018-08-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2019-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2019-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2019-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2020-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2020-12-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2021-06-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2021-12-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2022-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2022-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2023-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2023-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2024-04-08 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2024-10-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2025-03-29 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2025-09-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2026-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2026-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2027-02-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2027-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2028-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2028-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2029-01-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2029-06-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2029-07-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2029-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2030-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2030-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2031-05-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2031-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2032-05-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2032-11-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2033-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2033-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2034-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2034-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2035-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2035-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2036-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2036-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2036-08-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2037-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2037-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2038-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2038-07-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2038-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2039-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2039-12-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2040-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2040-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2041-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2041-10-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2042-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2042-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2043-04-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2043-10-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2044-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2044-08-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2045-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2045-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2046-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2046-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2047-01-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2047-06-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2047-07-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2047-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2048-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2048-12-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2049-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2049-11-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2050-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2050-11-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2051-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2051-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2052-03-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2052-09-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2053-03-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2053-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2054-03-09 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2054-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2054-09-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2055-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2055-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2056-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2056-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2057-01-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2057-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2057-12-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2058-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2058-06-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2058-11-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2059-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2059-11-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2060-04-30 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2060-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2061-04-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2061-10-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2062-03-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2062-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2063-02-28 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2063-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2064-02-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2064-08-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2065-02-05 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2065-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2065-08-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2065-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2066-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2066-12-17 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2067-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2067-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2068-05-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2068-11-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2069-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2069-05-20 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2069-10-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2070-04-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2070-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2071-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2071-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2072-03-19 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2072-09-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2073-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2073-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2074-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2074-07-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2075-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2075-07-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2076-01-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2076-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2076-07-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2076-11-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2077-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2077-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2078-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2078-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2079-05-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2079-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2080-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2080-09-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2081-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2081-09-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2082-02-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2082-08-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2083-02-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2083-07-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2083-08-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2084-01-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2084-07-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2084-12-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2085-06-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2085-12-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2086-06-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2086-12-06 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2087-05-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2087-06-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2087-10-26 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2088-04-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2088-10-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2089-04-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2089-10-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2090-03-31 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2090-09-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2091-02-18 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2091-08-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2092-02-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2092-08-03 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2093-01-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2093-07-23 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2094-01-16 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2094-06-13 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2094-07-12 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2094-12-07 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2095-06-02 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2095-11-27 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2096-05-22 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2096-11-15 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2097-05-11 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2097-11-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2098-04-01 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2098-09-25 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2098-10-24 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2099-03-21 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2099-09-14 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2100-03-10 Solar Eclipse from Turkey
- Visibility of the 2100-09-04 Solar Eclipse from Turkey