Solar Eclipse of June 12 2029 from French Polynesia
You can search for any other location by typing into the search field below, or by clicking on any point on the map below to find out when and how the Partial Solar Eclipse of June 12 2029 will be visible from there.
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Move the blue pin on the map above to change the location.
Please keep in mind that in this sky chart the North direction points upwards. The Online Planetarium provides a realistic interactive visualization which properly takes into account the rotation of the sky caused by the local observing point on Earth.
Thee eclipse KML paths used for the maps visualization on this site are provided by Xavier M. Jubier (
Sky Chart of Partial Solar Eclipse of June 12 2029
The sky chart below shows the location in the sky of the Moon, the Sun and the planets at the time of maximum eclipse. The portion of the sky represented in this sky chart is 50°x25°
In case of a total solar eclipse this chart can be useful to determine which planets are visible during the totality phase. Please keep in mind that in this sky chart the North direction (increasing Declination) points upwards. The Online Planetarium provides a realistic interactive visualization which properly takes into account the rotation of the sky caused by the local observing point on Earth.
Visibility of June 12 2029 Eclipse from the major cities of French Polynesia
Through the links below you can access detailed information about how the Partial Solar Eclipse will be visible from the major cities of French Polynesia: