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A Complete Guide to the Solar System and the Night Sky
public LocationGreenwich, United Kingdom
Sunrise: 5:37 
Transit: 12:56 
Sunset: 20:15
sunny   (Daytime)   What's Visible Now?

Visible Planets and Celestial Objects from Big Flats, United States

Comprehensive list of interesting astronomical objects visible right now from Big Flats, United States. The list of objects is automatically updated in real time to reflect what's visible above the horizon.

Observing Location: Big Flats, United States
Latitude: 42° 08’ 14” N
Longitude: 76° 56’ 12” W
Timezone: America/New_York


All Sky Chart

This all sky chart shows the sky above your location and is updated in realtime. Please note that this map does not reflect the actual lighting conditions and it shows the main astronomical objects even during daylight. Stars up to magnitude 5 and Solar System objects brighter than magnitude 10 are shown in the chart.

Lists of Visible Objects

warning It is time, the list shows only objects that could potentially be observed given the current lighting conditions.
Ignore lighting conditions and show all the astronomical objects that are above the horizon

Filter by Position  Min Altitude

Major Objects






Deep Space Objects
