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NGC 3303 - Galaxy Pair in Leo

Above the horizon.  Rise: 17:31 | Tran: 1:08 | Set: 8:42
Alt: 28.50°   Az: 263.26°   Direction: West

NGC 3303 is a Galaxy Pair in the Leo constellation. NGC 3303 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.

The image below is a photograph of NGC 3303 from the Digitized Sky Survey 2 (DSS2 - see the credits section) taken in the red channel. The area of sky represented in the image is 0.5000x0.5000 degrees (30.00x30.00 arcmins).

Image of NGC 3303 - Galaxy Pair in Leo star
DSS2 image of NGC 3303 in the Red band. The green region on the image is a representation of the major (1.2 arcmin) and minor (1.2 arcmin) axes of the object's apparent size.

Celestial Coordinates


10h 38m 21s
+18° 00’ 20”
04h 26m 22s
15h 04m 43s


10h 37m 00s
+18° 08’ 12”

Finder Chart

The simplified sky charts below show the position of NGC 3303 in the sky. The first chart has a field of view of 60° while the second one has a field of view of 10°.

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Finder chart for NGC 3303 - Galaxy Pair in Leo.

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Finder chart for NGC 3303 - Galaxy Pair in Leo.

Apparent Size

The following table reports NGC 3303 apparent angular size. The green area displayed on top of the DSS2 image of NGC 3303 is a visual representation of it.
1.2 arcmin
1.2 arcmin

Rise and Set Times

Location: Greenwich, UK
Latitude: 51° 28’ 47” N
Longitude: 0° 00’ 00” E
Timezone: Europe/London

Today's NGC 3303 - Galaxy Pair in Leo rise, transit and set times from Greenwich, UK are the following (all times relative to the local timezone Europe/London):

Azimuth: 72.0°
Max altitude: 56.5°
Azimuth: 288.0°