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Near Earth Objects » Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64

Where is Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64?

Below the horizon.  Rise: 6:16 | Tran: 10:12 | Set: 14:10
Alt: -54.47°   Az: 43.55°   Direction: North-East
Please note: this information pertains to a Near-Earth Object (NEO). During close approaches, our current computational model is not able to provide an accurate position, due to the high speeds of these objects. We plan to refine our algorithms to improve accuracy in the future. JPL Horizons can compute precise positions in these situations.

Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 is currently in the constellation of Sagittarius. The current Right Ascension is 19h 27m 42s and the Declination is -21° 59’ 09”.

Right now, from the selected location (Greenwich, UK), Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 is not visible because it is below the horizon. You can check Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 Rise and Set Times to know when Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 will rise from your location.

Apparent coordinates:

19h 27m 42s
-21° 59’ 09”
13h 42m 19s
09h 10m 01s
Map showing Asteroid (NEO) 2015 VL64 in Sagittarius on February, 07 2025
Field of view: 50x30 degrees
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