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Deep sky objects in Ophiuchus - Full list

The table below is a complete list of all the 67 deep sky objects belonging to the Messier, New General Catalogue (NGC) and Index Catalogue (IC) catalogues that are present in the Ophiuchus constellation. Click on each row to view the object complete details.

Name Type Magnitude (B)
IC 4665 Open Cluster 4.2 (V)
NGC 6633 Open Cluster 4.6 (V)
Messier 10 Globular Cluster 4.98 (V)
IC 4604 (Rho Ophiuchi Nebula) Nebula 5.1 (B)
Messier 19 Globular Cluster 5.57 (V)
Messier 14 Globular Cluster 5.73 (V)
Messier 12 (Gumball Cluster) Globular Cluster 6.07 (V)
NGC 6235 Globular Cluster 7.2 (V)
Messier 62 (Flickering Globular) Globular Cluster 7.39 (V)
NGC 6356 Globular Cluster 7.42 (V)
NGC 6284 Globular Cluster 7.43 (V)
NGC 6572 Planetary Nebula 8.1 (V)
Messier 9 Globular Cluster 8.42 (V)
Messier 107 Globular Cluster 8.85 (V)
NGC 6293 Globular Cluster 9.02 (V)
NGC 6304 Globular Cluster 9.03 (V)
NGC 6316 Globular Cluster 9.03 (V)
NGC 6342 Globular Cluster 10.01 (V)
NGC 6287 Globular Cluster 10.3 (V)
NGC 6401 Globular Cluster 10.71 (V)
IC 4634 Planetary Nebula 10.9 (V)
NGC 6355 Globular Cluster 11.05 (V)
NGC 6517 Globular Cluster 11.08 (B)
NGC 6369 (Little Ghost Nebula) Planetary Nebula 11.4 (V)
NGC 6325 Globular Cluster 11.49 (B)
NGC 6309 (Box Nebula) Planetary Nebula 11.5 (V)
NGC 6570 Galaxy 13.2 (B)
NGC 6118 Galaxy 13.2 (B)
NGC 6384 Galaxy 13.2 (B)
NGC 6240 Galaxy 13.37 (V)
NGC 6509 Galaxy 13.4 (B)
NGC 6368 Galaxy 13.7 (B)
IC 1255 Galaxy 14.2 (B)
NGC 6296 Galaxy 14.2 (B)
NGC 6172 Galaxy 14.28 (B)
IC 4688 Galaxy 14.7 (B)
NGC 6615 Galaxy 14.8 (B)
IC 1242 Galaxy 14.9 (B)
IC 4621 Galaxy 15 (B)
NGC 6378 Galaxy 15.1 (B)
NGC 6234 Galaxy 15.3 (B)
NGC 6230 NED01 Galaxy 15.5 (B)
NGC 6280 Galaxy Pair 15.5 (B)
IC 4691 Galaxy 15.5 (B)
NGC 6220 Galaxy 15.5 (B)
NGC 6230 NED02 Galaxy 15.5 (B)
IC 4676 Galaxy 15.6 (B)
IC 4627 Galaxy 16.15 (B)
NGC 6230 Galaxy Pair N/A
NGC 6426 Globular Cluster N/A
NGC 6525 Open Cluster N/A
NGC 6360 Association of Stars N/A
IC 1257 Globular Cluster N/A
IC 4603 Nebula N/A
NGC 6366 Globular Cluster N/A