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Popular Objects

Popular objects during the last 7 days based on the number of visualizations.

The Solar System

Current positions of the major bodies of the Solar System and the brightest comets.

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Sun and Moon

How the Sun and the Moon look like today.

Credit: NASA, SDO, and the HMI Science Team
Information about the Sun
Sun position in sky map
Phase: Waning Gibbous  Age: 17.60 days
Information about the Moon
Moon position in sky map
R.A. Decl. Apparent Diameter MagnitudeMag ConstellationConst Charts
radio_button_checked Sun 21h 57m 56s -12° 24’ 46” 1,942.5” -26.77 trending_flat Capricornus map my_location
radio_button_checked Moon 12h 11m 28s -02° 17’ 20” 1,782.3” -11.71 trending_down Virgo map
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The Planets

Current essential information about the planets. Click each planet to view full details.

Planet R.A. Decl. Diameter MagnitudeMag ConstellationConst Charts
radio_button_checked Mercury 22h 19m 28s -12° 17’ 21” 5.0” -1.46 trending_down Aquarius map my_location
radio_button_checked Venus 00h 19m 10s +06° 48’ 07” 39.7” -4.87 trending_up Pisces map my_location
radio_button_checked Mars 07h 17m 55s +26° 11’ 43” 12.2” -0.66 trending_down Gemini map my_location
radio_button_checked Jupiter 04h 40m 04s +21° 43’ 16” 40.5” -2.40 trending_down Taurus map my_location
radio_button_checked Saturn 23h 22m 54s -06° 04’ 25” 15.3” 1.12 trending_flat Aquarius map my_location
radio_button_checked Uranus 03h 24m 11s +18° 23’ 05” 3.6” 5.75 trending_flat Aries map my_location
radio_button_checked Neptune 23h 56m 15s -01° 47’ 02” 2.2” 7.82 trending_flat Pisces map my_location
Legend of symbols:

Jupiter Moons

Position of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. A dedicated tool is available, with more advanced features.

Current positions of Jupiter's Galilean moons

Saturn Moons & Rings

Inclination of the rings of Saturn and positions of major satellites. A dedicated tool is available, with more advanced features.

Current inclination of Saturn's rings and position of its major moons

Apparent Planet Sizes

Comparison between the apparent size of the planets, measured in seconds of a degree, as they appear today.


Credits for the planet images: NASA-APL - NASA.

Brightest Comets

List of the 10 brightest comets (open the full list of 230 comets).

Comet R.A. Decl. Magnitude (COBS)Mag Obs Magnitude (JPL)Mag Pred ConstellationConst Charts
radio_button_checked C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) 23h 15m 22s -38° 25’ 56” 6.5 10.61 trending_down Grus Gru map my_location
radio_button_checked 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 09h 55m 41s +09° 32’ 41” 11.7 17.30 trending_flat Leo Leo map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) 20h 16m 05s +11° 31’ 43” 11.7 13.57 trending_down Delphinus Del map my_location
radio_button_checked P/2010 H2 (Vales) 13h 54m 45s +04° 13’ 12” - 13.83 trending_up Virgo Vir map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2024 J2 (Wierzchos) 21h 54m 36s +26° 11’ 45” - 14.04 trending_flat Pegasus Peg map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2021 G2 (Atlas) 15h 30m 36s -16° 43’ 50” 14.2 14.91 trending_up Libra Lib map my_location
radio_button_checked 21P/Giacobini-Zinner 21h 43m 58s +00° 14’ 50” - 15.27 trending_up Aquarius Aqr map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) 22h 15m 49s +31° 37’ 38” - 15.53 trending_down Pegasus Peg map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2023 C2 (ATLAS) 21h 24m 06s +01° 39’ 31” - 15.59 trending_down Aquarius Aqr map my_location
radio_button_checked C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) 03h 32m 54s -68° 16’ 25” 15.6 17.82 trending_flat Hydrus Hyi map my_location
Legend of symbols:

We acknowledge with thanks the comet observations from the COBS Comet Observation Database contributed by observers worldwide and used in this table to report recent comet observations.

Brightest Asteroids

List of the 10 brightest asteroids (open the full list of 78 asteroids and dwarf planets.)

Asteroid R.A. Decl. MagnitudeMag ConstellationConst Charts
radio_button_checked 4 Vesta 14h 57m 41s -07° 37’ 16” 7.18 trending_up Libra map my_location
radio_button_checked 1 Ceres 22h 06m 29s -19° 25’ 17” 8.97 trending_flat Aquarius map my_location
radio_button_checked 29 Amphitrite 09h 50m 11s +18° 39’ 55” 9.18 trending_down Leo map my_location
radio_button_checked 15 Eunomia 05h 06m 48s +26° 11’ 09” 9.58 trending_down Taurus map my_location
radio_button_checked 7 Iris 00h 15m 07s +05° 15’ 49” 9.97 trending_flat Pisces map my_location
radio_button_checked 8 Flora 12h 07m 54s +07° 35’ 04” 10.00 trending_up Virgo map my_location
radio_button_checked 14 Irene 06h 25m 49s +29° 38’ 06” 10.48 trending_down Auriga map my_location
radio_button_checked 2 Pallas 19h 46m 14s +04° 54’ 35” 10.50 trending_flat Aquila map my_location
radio_button_checked 6 Hebe 19h 24m 12s -14° 08’ 33” 10.74 trending_up Sagittarius map my_location
radio_button_checked 18 Melpomene 12h 54m 22s +01° 09’ 25” 10.95 trending_up Virgo map my_location
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Active Meteor Showers

List of the currently active meteor showers.

Name Peak Radiant R.A. Radiant Decl. ZHR  Rating Parent Object Charts
radio_button_checked Alpha Centaurids 8 Feb 14h 00m -59° 6 bright map
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